Transforming Gaming: From Chain of Alliance to Alliance

5 min readMay 14, 2024


Part 1: Introduction to Our Journey

Two years ago, we set out on an ambitious journey with Chain of Alliance, driven by a vision to create a gaming experience that is not just played but owned by the community. We shipped the beta version of Chain of Alliance recently, offering an enhanced player experience from the first release of the game with major reworks around heroes, combat, and status effects.

After intensive development and a successful beta launch that introduced major improvements in gameplay dynamics, we’ve gained invaluable insights — and these have led us to a pivotal evolution.

As the Chain of Alliance game evolved, we observed critical limitations in the traditional gaming infrastructure. Both Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 games predominantly rely on centralized servers controlled by game studios. This centralization poses a risk: games can vanish, along with player data and histories, if developers cease support. Moreover, while blockchain advancements have made fully on-chain games feasible, these often compromise on performance and cost, limiting their appeal and practicality.

These challenges sparked a broader vision. Why not develop a solution that extends beyond a single game to benefit the entire gaming community?

Part 2: Introducing Alliance Games

Alliance Games is born from this vision. Our mission is to decentralize the very core of gaming infrastructures, ensuring games are truly community-owned and perpetually accessible, unaffected by the discontinuation of developer support. Here’s how we are redefining the gaming experience:

  • Decentralized Hosting and Data Storage: We are constructing a robust network of decentralized nodes that will store player data and host game servers. This network utilizes existing decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin and Arweave, enabling anyone to contribute by hosting data, thus ensuring that games are never offline.
  • AI-Powered Game Creation: Our innovative AI toolkit empowers players to participate in game development actively. Using intuitive natural language processing tools, community members can create new game elements such as characters, quests, and worlds, thereby continuously enriching the gaming experience.

Features of Alliance Games

  • Permissionless, Decentralized Network: At the heart of Alliance Games is a permissionless network where anyone can contribute as a game server or data storage node. This key feature ensures that the games built on this platform are truly owned by the community, fostering an environment where player and developer contributions are integral to the ecosystem’s vitality.
  • Ease of Use for Developers: For game developers accustomed to the convenience of services like AWS, integrating with Alliance Games’ infrastructure will feel seamless. Our platform is equipped with automatic DevOps tools that simplify the transition to decentralized gaming, making it as straightforward as using traditional cloud services but with the added benefits of decentralization.
  • Blockchain-Agnostic Infrastructure: Emphasizing inclusivity, Alliance Games supports interoperability across different blockchain technologies. This blockchain-agnostic approach allows developers to build on their preferred chain while leveraging our robust infrastructure, facilitating a diverse and resilient network of games and applications.
  • Security and Privacy: We prioritize the security of data and the privacy of our users above all else. Alliance Games implements advanced cryptographic techniques combined with a token-incentive model to secure data and ensure privacy. This approach not only protects user information and assets but also builds trust within our community, crucial for a decentralized ecosystem.

These features are designed to provide a stable, inclusive, and innovative platform where games can thrive independent of one gaming studio but are co-created by a community that is truly invested in the success of the game. By using Alliance Games, developers gain access to a global network of nodes, ensuring their games are never offline and always in the hands of those who care most: the players themselves.

Part 3: The Flagship Example: Chain of Alliance

While building on the vision of Alliance Games, we continue to develop Chain of Alliance. It serves as the flagship application of our decentralized infrastructure — proof that our model not only works but excels. Chain of Alliance will continue to evolve, shaped by its players and sustained by a community that’s as passionate about gaming as we are.

Chain of Alliance is not just a game; it is the cornerstone of our vision at Alliance Games. As we expand our horizons to encompass a wider array of gaming infrastructure solutions, Chain of Alliance stands as a living testament to our technology’s efficacy and our community-driven approach.

A Benchmark for Future Projects

  • Proof of Concept: Chain of Alliance serves as a proof of concept that demonstrates the practicality and benefits of decentralized game infrastructure. Its success provides a reliable blueprint for other developers looking to create blockchain-based games, proving that high-quality gaming experiences can thrive on a decentralized network.
  • Scalability and Adaptation: The underlying architecture of Chain of Alliance is designed to be scalable, allowing for seamless integration of new gaming technologies and expansions. As Alliance Games continues to innovate, Chain of Alliance will incorporate these advancements, demonstrating the platform’s adaptability and long-term viability.
  • Tokenomics and Incentivization: Integral to the game’s ecosystem is a well-structured tokenomic model that rewards players for participation and contribution, not just gameplay. These incentives are critical for fostering a vibrant community and driving the decentralized governance that underpins the entire system.

A Commitment to Never Go Offline

One of the foundational promises of Alliance Games is to offer a “never offline” experience, and Chain of Alliance exemplifies this commitment. By distributing server and data responsibilities across a decentralized network, the game ensures that players’ progress and achievements are permanently recorded and perpetually accessible, independent of any single point of failure.

Part 4: Join Us on This Revolutionary Journey

We are excited about what the future holds and invite you to join us in this revolutionary venture. As part of Alliance Games, you’re not just playing a game; you’re shaping its very existence and ensuring that it thrives for generations to come.

Stay tuned for updates on how you can become an integral part of Alliance Games and help us redefine the landscape of gaming.

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Chain of Alliance is a turn-based, party-builder RPG multiverse designed for frictionless web3 integration and pure ownership of in-game assets.