A Simple Guide to Publishing your First Blockchain Oracle

3 min readNov 22, 2017


There might be various reasons for you to publish information on blockchain, a secure immutable environment. Leaving a message for your descendants, making a prediction, bringing greater reliability to your business and many others. In any case, ChainThis is here to help you with it.

ChainThis is a simple cost-effective solution for bridging the world of blockchain and the real world. We deliver any information you want to publish as it is via special entities called Oracles. This tutorial will help you create your first Oracle on ChainThis and leave your trace in the digital history of humanity.

Step 1 is deciding what you would like to share. It can either be a simple text message like “Here is my first Oracle! Hooray!” or, if you are looking for more complex use of Oracles, a URL request.

Let’s dig into the creation process in more details.

  1. Access the Oracle creation page

2. Depending on the type of information you want to share, do the following.

  • To publish a simple text message, enter the message in the first field from the top.
  • To publish a URL request response, enter the URL in the first field from the top. Check the response in the larger field below. In case you need to copy or save the response in .txt format, click the buttons on the right.
    You can also set an approximate size of the Oracle if you expect it to be greater than shown in example and choose a specific destination address for it.

In the bottom of the page you’ll see the fee for your Oracle. Proceed to Step 2.

3. Here you can choose the time when you want us to publish the Oracle. It’s worth noting that we will start publishing it at the selected time, the rest depends on the time required for processing. The available options are:

  • Now — the publishing process will start right after we receive from you the fee for the Oracle. Your message will be published in the shortest time possible.
  • Tomorrow — in this case ChainThis will initiate posting the following day at 00:00 according to the selected time zone. For example, if you create an Oracle on December, 31, we’ll start publishing it as soon as the new year begins in the time zone you chose.
  • Custom date — this option gives you complete freedom: you can choose specific date and time within any time zone and schedule your Oracle to be posted in months or years from the moment you create it.
  • Block height — as soon as the block you’ve entered is reached, ChainThis will start publishing the Oracle.

At this stage you can also leave your email for tracing the Oracle’s progress. We will send you updates a certain stage in Oracle’s posting process is reached and as soon as it’s published, a link to see the result.

4. The last step is payment for your Oracle. We offer several convenient methods: you can just transfer the money to the generated address directly from your wallet, transfer the required amount converting it through a widget on the payments page or even pay with USD or EUR if you contact us at partners@chainthis.com.

That’s it! As soon as we receive the money, we’ll do the rest. Just wait for your Oracle to be published and stay on the blockchain for the centuries to come. Here is how it will look like:

If you have any questions for us, do not hesitate to contact us at support@chainthis.com.

