Making real estate deals secure and transparent with blockchain Oracles

2 min readDec 11, 2017


Real estate is a vibrant, yet complex and time-consuming business. Finding the best property for customers and a reliable client for the owner take a lot of effort and concentration on every step. Besides, the clients ready to be home or apartment owners want to be crystal clear on the terms of the deal and secure themselves against a possible fraud or last-minute changes in the contract. Clarity and trust are the pillars every property-selling business shall be built upon.

Just agreeing on the terms is not necessarily the end of the process. The seller and the customer need to elaborate and sign a contract to complete and this can become a point of potential friction. There is no possibility for the parties to have complete trust in each other. The safest insurance would be to seal the deal with assistance of a trusted unbiased third-party.

ChainThis is a perfect choice for this purpose. The details of the contract will be completely indubious if there is no possible option for them to be amended. As the terms are kept on the blockchain after being published via a ChainThis Oracle, they stay unamended and resilient to any changes or removal.

How it works:

  1. The real estate company and the home buyer negotiate the terms of the deal, the company embeds them into an Oracle with ChainThis.
  2. The terms are posted on blockchain and stay there violation-free.
  3. Both parties act according to the published agreement and seal the deal without any mistrust or suspicion.

Buying a property can be a rather stressful and tedious step for anybody. The real estate sellers can alleviate a lot of frustration for their customers by creating a fully secure impartial buffer that would protect them from potential fraud. ChainThis is an easy and reliable option to reach this goal.

To benefit from ChainThis and integrate it into your business, contact us at

