How Intimacy builds Loyalty for your Brand

3 min readNov 18, 2015


Kevin Roberts — CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency introduced a truly unique marketing concept called «Lovemarks» back in 2004. He released a book under the same name suggesting to replace the idea of brands with those of Lovemarks.

Elton John— Believe (in Love)

I am going to go sneaky way here and draw a parallel between the “Lovemarks” concept and people you meet in life. I will explain: Roberts provides you with the graph clearly stating that there are usually only three ways to go with brands: low love and low respect (general crowd), high love & no respect (short-term fun) or high respect and absolutely no spark, no love (kind of like those shoes that are extremely comfortable but illegally ugly). What you should aim for is high love and high respect, which is not a brand, but a Lovemark.

In his book, Roberts also suggests three key points that a Lovemark should have:


Mystery refers to the story behind the brand. What makes you unique? Are there legends, coincidences, magic to be excited about? Mystery is what makes any relationship more complex, creates a deeper bond, as we are all drawn to the unknown.

Sensuality is all about textures, smells, pleasant music. It is about perception — it has to be appealing and satisfying, it has to bring up a smile. Only when all five of the human senses are on alert we create unforgettable memories.

Intimacy is basically what sums it all up. The very definition of it means emotional closeness, empathy, passion & trust. The memories that you have build are what gradually forms loyalty which is what is left after the passion fades away.

@Kevin Roberts’ idea of Lovemarks is unique in a sense of perceiving brands as something very much alive and relatable — if a brand, for instance Burberry, is worn by a dad, a mom and a child for decades, it is now a part of the family history. It carries a meaning. Does it have a story? Invented in 1879, becoming a necessity of British Army, it is covered in mystery of more than a 100 years and builds a connection with a person directly.

Lovemarks idea is phenomenal in it’s simplicity — human attracts human, and that is an ultimate approach to everything. Do not be recognized by consumers, be loved by people. Be iconic, not symbolic. Tell a story, engage those who are interested, do not throw all your statements there at once. Have a spirit.

“The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions.” — Donald B. Calne


@Barbara from Chainy




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