Leveraging NLP and LangChain framework: Insights into Unstructured Data of Medical Records

Chaitanya Dua
4 min readJun 25, 2023


In the era of digital healthcare, an immense volume of data is being generated daily. However, a staggering 80% of this data remains untapped and unstructured, limiting its potential for valuable insights. Conventional methods relying solely on structured data analysis fall short in utilising the vast information contained in unstructured formats. Fortunately, with groundbreaking advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and chatbot technology, healthcare professionals now possess powerful tools to efficiently extract crucial insights from unstructured healthcare PDF documents. This article explores the transformative potential of leveraging NLP and chatbots in unlocking the hidden value of unstructured healthcare data, revolutionising data analysis and decision-making in the healthcare industry.

The Challenge of Unstructured Data: Unstructured data refers to information that does not fit into conventional rows and columns of structured databases. In healthcare, unstructured data primarily includes clinical notes, medical reports, research papers, and other text-based documents that are vital sources of knowledge. However, extracting meaningful insights from this data has been a long-standing challenge. The sheer volume of unstructured data, combined with its diverse formats, makes manual analysis nearly impossible. That’s where NLP and chatbot technology come into play.

I have built a simple app using Streamlit and OpenAI API which enables a conversational approach to extracting important data from your PDF documents(primarily health related).

Chatbot Technology: A Conversational Approach to Data Extraction: Chatbot technology enhances the user experience by providing a conversational interface for interacting with data. In the context of healthcare PDFs, chatbots can be designed to understand natural language queries and retrieve specific information from the documents. Healthcare professionals can simply type or speak their queries, and the chatbot, powered by NLP algorithms, can extract the relevant data, providing quick and precise results. This conversational approach simplifies the data extraction process and empowers healthcare professionals with rapid access to critical information.

What is LangChain and what is its role?

LangChain employs state-of-the-art models, such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) or similar language models, to capture the semantic meaning and contextual understanding of the text within PDF documents. These models, pre-trained on extensive textual data, have a deep understanding of language patterns and can encode the textual content into dense vector representations.

When a PDF document is processed by LangChain, it goes through a series of steps to convert it into a vectorised form. First, the text within the PDF is extracted and cleaned, removing any irrelevant elements such as headers, footers, or page numbers. Next, the language model processes the cleaned text, generating vector representations that capture the semantic information contained within the document. These vectorised representations effectively encapsulate the textual content and can be easily stored and indexed for efficient retrieval.

Efficient Querying with LangChain: The vectorised representation of PDF documents created by LangChain unlocks powerful capabilities for efficient querying. With the stored vectorised representations, users can quickly search and retrieve relevant documents based on their specific queries.

LangChain utilises similarity search algorithms, such as cosine similarity or semantic search techniques, to compare the vector representation of the query with the vectorised documents. By calculating the similarity scores, LangChain can identify and rank the most relevant PDF documents that match the query.

Asking GPT Using the Medical Record PDF

Sample Query And Response

GPT has been trained on a diverse range of text sources, including books, articles, and websites, allowing it to grasp a wide range of topics and knowledge domains. When you pose a query related to your healthcare PDF, GPT can draw upon its training to comprehend the context and extract pertinent information.

The model analyses the query, identifies key concepts, and retrieves relevant information from its stored knowledge. It then generates a response that aims to address your query based on its understanding of the document content and related concepts.

Using the OpenAI API, I leveraged the GPT model by providing it with my document-related query. The model processed the query and generated a response based on its understanding of the language and the information encoded in its vast training data.

Overall, the GPT model’s ability to comprehend natural language and generate informative responses makes it a valuable tool for answering document-related queries, assisting in research, decision-making, and extracting insights from your healthcare PDFs.

