Python Celery explained for beginners to Professionals(Part-2) — Applications (WHY, WHEN and WHERE) of Python Celery

Chaitanya Volkaji
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2020



In my previous post, I have introduced you to Celery and a little hands-on on it. If you have not read my previous post, please read.

In this post, We will discuss on Why, When and Where we have to use the Python Celery in different Software or Application systems.

Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash


Celery can be used if

a) You want to run some tasks in the background.

b) You want to offload some tasks(long running or time taking or CPU consuming) to Celery workers running on different machines to improve response of main Application Server.

c) You want to schedule the tasks at regular intervals.

d) You want to parallelize the tasks or scale your Software or Application systems.

In my experience when above conditions are met, you can use Python Celery in different domains such as…



Chaitanya Volkaji
Analytics Vidhya

Into math🔋, stats📊, tech🧑‍💻 and movies 🎞️.