Interview Questions and Answers for Data Analyst Position at Agoda Company

Chaitu Informative Blogs
3 min readApr 20, 2023




This assessment consists of 2 tests. You must complete both tests within the assessment.

1. Concepts & Knowledge

  • The first part of the assessment covers subjects such as Statistics, Data Literacy. Reports & Visualisations. Microsoft Excel and Chart Interpretation.
  • You will have 25 minutes to complete the 16 questions within the test.
  • All the questions are multiple-choice There are 5 answer options with one answer which is most correct. Some other answer options may be partially correct ensure you choose the MOST correct answer option.
  • You will be awarded full marks for each correct answer and 0 marks for each incorrect answer You should therefore attempt to answer every question.

2. SQL

  • For the SQL test, you will need to write SQL queries which will be validated against a database.
  • You will have 15 minutes to complete the 2 questions within the test.
  • You will need to write SQL queries using basic (ANSI) SQL statements. You will be able to execute your queries and view the output.
  • Your query output will be compared with the expected output for the question. You will be awarded full marks if the output matches the expected output and 0 marks if it doesn’t match The outputted column names are not considered only the order of the outputted columns Ensure you read the question thoroughly and provide the output expected.
  • Once each test has started, as soon as the time has finished your responses will be automatically submitted.
  • While in the test do not leave the test page. Your actions will be analyzed.
  • You may reuse the original link to resume the assessment until 17 Apr 2023 10:02 am (GMT+07:00).
  • You will be able to see your results as soon as you complete the assessment.
  • Agoda will have access to your results and will contact you directly if you progress to the next stage.
  1. The following visual, produced by, plots the world population along with the annual growth rate of the world population against time, using the latest data from the United Nations Population Division. The visual also includes the UN’s latest forecast for population growth, compiling trends seen in subsets of the population that have already experienced rapid growth. Typically, this period of rapid growth is short-lived.

What was the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 1700 and 2019?

1. 0.5%

2. 1.4%

3. 0.8%

4. 1.1%

5. 0.2%

2. In the following chart, you can see the evolution of imports and exports of cars of an Asian country.

Which of the following statements is not correct?

1. In 2010 the exports matched the imports.

2. The maximum number of imports has been slightly above 1.5 million during the period.

3. The gap between imports and exports is being reduced.

4. In 2015 the difference between imports and exports was close to 250000 units.

5. On average, the country is a net importer; imports are higher than exports.

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