Being techy is the new cool

5 min readOct 18, 2023


In a world where technology reigns supreme, being techy has become more than just a hobby; it’s a way of life. We’re living in an era where the new cool isn’t just about leather jackets or flashy cars; it’s about coding, innovation, and venturing into fantastical realms, much like the sci-fi movies we’ve grown to love.

pov you are entering to the geek world

With gadgets and gizmos, our tools of play, In this techno-fantasy, we seize the day. Unicorns code, and dragons guard our code, In this tech wonderland, our stories unfold. So, take my hand, and let’s embark, On a journey through this digital spark. In this land of wonder, our dreams unfurl, Tech’s the fantasy that makes our world twirl.

Gears of Imagination, a Byte-Sized Dreams

The Coolest Playground of Innovation

Close your eyes and envision a world where you can traverse the cosmos, wander through enchanted forests, and wield the power of a wizard — all without stepping out of your room. In this realm, the boundaries of reality stretch and warp to accommodate the infinite possibilities of technology. It’s a place where your imagination takes flight, where you can be anyone and do anything.

This isn’t the stuff of science fiction; it’s the world we live in today. The digital age has given rise to a new era where technology is not just a tool but a gateway to the fantastical. In this brave new world, geeks are the architects, the dreamers, and the creators.

The Magical Portal to Imagination

Technology has become a magical portal to your own realm of fantasy. It’s the modern-day wardrobe to Narnia, the rabbit hole to Wonderland, and the ticket to your own platform 9¾. Virtual reality (VR) allows you to stand on alien planets, sword in hand, and face down dragons. Augmented reality (AR) transforms your everyday environment into a canvas for magical creatures and quests. With technology as your guide, you can become the hero of your own epic saga, conjure spells, or explore uncharted territories.

Crafting Fantasy and Reality

Geeks are the architects of this brave new world, digital dreamweavers who craft immersive experiences and bring virtual realities to life, one line of code at a time. In this tech-driven age, geeks are the heroes of the digital frontier, guiding us through the portal to imagination and encouraging us to embrace the fantastical. They underscore the idea that technology is more than just a tool; it serves as a gateway where the lines between reality and fantasy become blurred, opening the doors to uncharted possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned tech enthusiast or a newcomer to this exciting world, being techy means adopting a mindset and lifestyle that offer endless opportunities and thrilling adventures. In the domain of technology, you’re not just a player; you’re the hero of your own epic adventure.

Cool, Cooler, Tech

Remember when you first laid eyes on a sleek, sophisticated smartphone that seemed like it was plucked from the pages of a sci-fi novel? Or perhaps it was the moment you witnessed a self-driving car navigating through city streets, giving you a taste of the future? These experiences aren’t just cool; they redefine what cool means. Tech is the embodiment of innovation, where coolness isn’t an afterthought; it’s a fundamental design principle.

Where Sci-Fi Becomes Reality

In the world of sci-fi’s endless stream, Where dreams and marvels always gleam. Tech takes those visions and unfurls, From fantasies to real-life worlds.

From heroes’ flights in endless skies, To glasses framing life’s surprise. Tech’s the bridge, the spark, the key, Bringing dreams to reality. A fusion of the wild and real, In tech’s embrace, we all can feel. The boundary blurred, the line so thin, Sci-fi dreams, our world within.

Where Dreams Take Shape

Tech doesn’t settle for being merely cool; it’s authoring a new playbook for the art of the possible. In the realm of cinema, tech Hollywood has accomplished the remarkable by transforming the wildest sci-fi fantasies into living, breathing realities. Here, you can witness superheroes take flight through boundless skies, observe augmented reality glasses transmute mundane moments into grand adventures, and envisage cities undergoing astonishing metamorphoses thanks to cutting-edge AI.

But here’s where it gets truly captivating: what tech Hollywood conceives, tech innovators bring to life. Those fantastic gadgets that dazzle on the silver screen are slowly but surely finding their way into our everyday existence. It’s as if the domains of imagination are converging with our own, making tech not just cool, but the very bridge between the extraordinary and the achievable.

A Constant Wow Factor

In tech, innovation knows no bounds. It’s the realm where mind-blowing advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and quantum computing are part of daily conversation. And the best part? These innovations aren’t confined to a select few. The rapid pace of tech progress means that anyone can dive into this cool universe, be it by developing the next groundbreaking app, crafting innovative solutions, or designing a smart gadget that transforms lives.

Embrace Your Inner Geek

Your inner geek isn’t a secret identity; it’s a power-packed alter ego ready to conquer the tech world. In a universe that glorifies the curious, the inventive, and those with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, embracing your inner geek is like strapping into a rocket for an adventure that never ends.

It’s about diving into the latest tech trends, exploring the frontiers of innovation, and boldly venturing where no one has gone before. Your inner geek fuels your passion, drives your creativity, and connects you to a community of like-minded adventurers. It’s the spark that ignites the flames of curiosity, turning everyday life into a thrilling journey through the digital cosmos. So, don’t hide it — embrace your inner geek and let your brilliance shine.

The Ultimate Cool Kids Club

Tech isn’t just cool because of what it can do; it’s cool because of what it represents. It’s the club where the dreamers, creators, and innovators congregate. It’s where visionaries see opportunities and strive to change the world. In the world of tech, being different is an asset, thinking outside the box is a virtue, and embracing change is the norm. The coolness of tech is not about conforming but breaking boundaries, pioneering new horizons, and being at the forefront of progress.

So, as you step into this tech-driven era, remember that being techy is an invitation to embrace the future with open arms. It’s an acknowledgment that the geeks, the dreamers, and the innovators are the architects of our tomorrow. Your journey into this realm is not just about following trends; it’s about forging your own path, pushing boundaries, and making your mark in the digital cosmos.

In the end, being techy is not just about staying ahead; it’s about being a part of a revolution that’s changing the way we live, work, and dream. It’s a lifestyle, a mindset, and a celebration of the coolness that comes with embracing the tech-savvy, ever-evolving world we call the digital age. So, go ahead, be techy, and let the adventure continue!!




I pen down tales of the ever-changing weather, the hum of tech and cars, the quiet moments of sad days, and the intricacies of machine learning.