Generative Adversarial Network (GANs) -2: The Generator Model

7 min readMar 12, 2024


GAN source

What is a generator model?

In a Generative Adversarial Network, a generator model refers to one of the two neural networks involved in the architecture. The other neural network is called the discriminator.

The generator’s role is to create synthetic data samples, such as images, that are similar to those in the training dataset. It takes random noise as input and generates data samples that, ideally, are indistinguishable from real samples to the discriminator.

During training, the generator aims to improve its ability to generate realistic data by receiving feedback from the discriminator.

Generative Adversarial Nets Paper

The discriminator evaluates the generated samples and provides feedback to the generator on how close its outputs are to real samples. This feedback loop continues iteratively until the generator learns to generate highly realistic data samples.


In summary, the generator in a GAN is responsible for producing synthetic data samples, attempting to fool the discriminator into believing they are real.

Why a Generator in Generative Adversarial network required?

In a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), the generator plays a crucial role in generating new data samples. Without the generator, the GAN wouldn’t be able to produce any synthetic data, which is the primary objective of the model.

There are several reasons why a generator is required in a GAN:

  1. Data Generation: The primary purpose of a GAN is to generate new data samples that are similar to the ones in the training dataset. The generator takes random noise as input and produces synthetic data samples that ideally resemble real data.
  2. Data Augmentation: GANs can be used for data augmentation, which involves creating additional training data to improve the performance of machine learning models. By generating diverse synthetic samples, the GAN can help enhance the robustness and generalization of the model being trained.
  3. Creating Realistic Samples: The generator learns to produce data samples that are realistic enough to fool the discriminator. This process encourages the generator to learn the underlying distribution of the training data, leading to the creation of high-quality synthetic samples.
  4. Artistic Applications: GANs have been widely used in artistic applications such as generating images, music, and text. The generator’s ability to create new and unique samples based on the learned distribution of the training data enables creative exploration and generation of novel content.
Example of Textual Descriptions and GAN Generated Photographs of Birds source
  1. Data Imputation: In scenarios where data is missing or incomplete, GANs can be used to impute missing values by generating synthetic data samples that complete the dataset. This can be particularly useful in various fields such as healthcare and finance.
Data imputation with synthetic data values source
IterativeImputer data imputation vs synthetic data imputation source

Overall, the generator in a GAN is essential for synthesizing new data samples that capture the characteristics of the training data distribution, leading to a wide range of applications in machine learning and beyond.

GAN and Math behind the generator model

The generator in a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a neural network that maps input noise vectors (usually drawn from a simple distribution like uniform or Gaussian) to output data samples. The goal of the generator is to generate data that is indistinguishable from real data samples drawn from the training dataset.

Mathematically, the generator G(z;θg​) can be represented as a function parameterized by weights θg​, where z is the input noise vector. The generator transforms the noise vector into a data sample. The output of the generator is typically a tensor representing an image, audio waveform, or other data types, depending on the application.

The steps involved in the generator:

  1. Input Noise Vector: The generator takes a noise vector z as input, which is randomly sampled from a simple distribution, such as uniform or Gaussian.
  2. Feedforward Process: The noise vector is passed through a series of layers in the neural network, which could consist of fully connected layers, convolutional layers, and activation functions like ReLU or tanh. This process transforms the noise vector into a higher-dimensional representation.
  3. Output Generation: The final layer of the generator produces the output data sample. For example, in image generation tasks, the output could be a tensor representing an image.
  4. Training Objective: The objective of the generator is to generate data samples that are indistinguishable from real data to the discriminator. This is achieved through the adversarial training process, where the generator tries to minimize the probability of the discriminator correctly classifying its generated samples as fake.

The training of the generator is typically done by optimizing a loss function that encourages the generated samples to resemble real data samples. This loss function is usually part of a min-max game with the discriminator, where the generator aims to minimize the following objective function:


θg​ are the parameters of the generator.

θd​ are the parameters of the discriminator.

x represents real data samples.

z represents noise vectors sampled from a simple distribution.

G(z;θg​) is the output of the generator given noise vector z.

D(x;θd​) is the output of the discriminator given data sample x.

pdata​(x) is the distribution of real data samples.

pz​(z) is the distribution of noise vectors.

The generator in a GAN transforms noise vectors into synthetic data samples and is trained to generate samples that are difficult for the discriminator to distinguish from real data. This adversarial training process leads to the generation of realistic data samples.

Generator model examples

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been applied to various domains, resulting in the generation of realistic data samples across different modalities such as images, text, and music. Here are some examples of generator model applications in different domains:

Image Generation:

Taken from DCGAN paper 2016
  1. Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs): These are widely used for generating high-quality images. DCGANs use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in both the generator and discriminator.
  2. CycleGAN: It learns to translate images from one domain to another without paired examples. For example, it can transform images from summer to winter scenery or from horses to zebras.
  3. StyleGAN and StyleGAN2: These models have been developed to generate high-resolution and highly realistic images with control over various aspects such as pose, expression, and style.
Style based GAN architecture by Tero Karras, Samuli Laine and Timo Aila.

Text Generation:

  1. TextGAN: This model generates text sequences, such as sentences or paragraphs, using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or transformers.
  2. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): Although not a GAN, GPT and similar transformer-based models can generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on a given prompt. They are pre-trained on large text corpora and fine-tuned for specific tasks.
Difference between GPT and ChatGPT source Zapire

Music Generation:

  1. MuseGAN: This model generates polyphonic music with multiple tracks (e.g., melody, harmony, bass) using recurrent neural networks.
  2. PerformanceGAN: It generates expressive music performances (e.g., piano performances) based on input musical scores.

Face Generation:

  1. Progressive Growing GAN (PGGAN): This model progressively generates high-resolution faces by gradually increasing the resolution during training.
  2. StarGAN: It generates faces with diverse attributes (e.g., gender, age, ethnicity) from a single input image.
github clovaai stargan v2 raw master assets teaser source

Anomaly Detection and Data Augmentation:

  1. AnoGAN: Although not strictly a generator, AnoGAN uses a generator network to generate normal data samples and identify anomalies by measuring the reconstruction error.
  2. Data Augmentation GANs: These models generate additional training data to augment existing datasets, enhancing the robustness and generalization of machine learning models.
Seven examples of image augmentation: rotation, blur, contrast, scaling, illumination & projective source

These are just a few examples of generator model applications in different domains. GANs and related generative models continue to evolve, leading to advancements in generating diverse and realistic data samples across various modalities.

Other helpful resources:

GAN Lab playground, Letter A — 72,824 epoch




I pen down tales of the ever-changing weather, the hum of tech and cars, the quiet moments of sad days, and the intricacies of machine learning.