Rajiv Gandhi vision for Sri Lanka.

2 min readAug 12, 2023


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Rajiv Gandhi was the former Prime Minister of India who played a crucial role in the Sri Lankan civil war. He had a vision for a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka that respected the rights and aspirations of all its communities.

He signed the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987, which aimed to end the conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil rebels by devolving power to the provinces and creating a provincial council system.

He also sent the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to help implement the accord and disarm the rebels. However, his vision faced many challenges and opposition from various factions, both in Sri Lanka and in India.

He was assassinated by a suicide bomber of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1991, who opposed the accord and the IPKF. His death was a tragic loss for both countries and a setback for the peace process.

Rajiv Gandhi’s vision for Sri Lanka was based on his belief in democracy, pluralism, and regional cooperation. He wanted to see a stable and friendly neighbor that could contribute to the development and security of South Asia.

He also wanted to protect the interests and welfare of the Indian Tamils living in Sri Lanka, who had faced discrimination and violence from the Sinhalese majority. He hoped that his intervention would bring an end to the bloodshed and suffering of the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of the war. He was willing to take risks and make compromises for the sake of peace and reconciliation.

Rajiv Gandhi’s vision for Sri Lanka is still relevant today, as the island nation struggles to heal the wounds of its past and build a more inclusive and democratic future. His legacy inspires many people who believe in his ideals and values. He showed that India can play a constructive role in resolving regional conflicts and promoting good neighborly relations. He also showed that peace is possible if there is political will, dialogue, and respect for diversity.

Case Study:

Movie: Madras Cafe, Year: 2013, Language: Hindi, Available on: Netflix India

Article: My Inputs + AI Generated.

Grammer Check: Grammarly.




History, Politics, Football, Advertising & Marketing (Case Studies), Technology, and Personalities. Posts: My Inputs + AI-generated. My Mother Tongue is Telugu.