What should my “ About Me” section say about me?

Priyanka Chakraborty
3 min readJan 6, 2022


You can only see what is immediately in front of you. Don’t worry about the road ahead. Just keep going!

Hi! I’m Priyanka and recently I turned 36, so am a 36-year-old woman seeking freedom. A year back I would have shuddered to mention my age. Not sure why I was so abashed about it. But now? Now I don’t care. What changed? — I became a mother, Mother of twins (I always fantasized about saying “Mother of Dragons”). I loved the way Missandei introduced Khaleesi. Among her various accolades, the one that always struck me was :

“The Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.”

So the first thing that you should know about me is I am a mother of twins — a boy and a girl. Every day people come to me and ask if they are twins. When I say they are, they congratulate me and wonder how I won the jackpot at one shot. What they don’t know is that I had bet my life on this one thing.

The second would be am a Software Engineer. Is it that important? Yes, it is, it’s a very integral part of my identity. I can’t be happy with just being the Mother of twins, I thought I could be but I want more which brings me to the third thing.

I recently started learning Javascript and am loving it! It’s been 10 days now, I know it’s too early and I don’t want to sound like one of those wannabes but who knows I might be a “wannabe”. I wannabe a Developer. In the past, I have tried learning to code. Often I would ask my Developer friends, I would buy Udemy courses, I might start a lesson or two but I could never finish it. But this time I am determined and I hope to finish.

I love stories, rather I love “love stories” especially unrequited ones. I love reading. Murakami is my recent favorite writer and his “Killing Commendatore” is my favorite among his books. Khaleed Hosseini’s “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is my favorite book whose first sentence goes — Mariam was 5 years old the first time she heard the word “harami”. And I felt that’s how you start a story, it’s simple but it keeps you hooked. His writing style is fluid, with no heavy words or complicated sentences, but it surely strikes a chord.

I love painting also. I took a break for 6 months from my full-time job to try doodling full time and I realized I can’t be happy with pursuing just one thing. I want to work on multiple projects. It’s not that I wasn’t happy during those six months… I was, the joy of creation kept me going.

I love writing also, I don’t write regularly though. What I do regularly would be called scribbling. Here and there I have unfinished sentences or inexpressible thoughts. There’s one particular story that I want to write but every version I write seems crap!

What I have realized is nothing in life comes easy, you have to work hard every day. All those effortless artworks you see and think “I can do that”, let me break your illusion — You can’t… it takes practice, lots of practice. And those who produce those artworks aren’t just geniuses, they work on their craft every day.

Lastly, it should say that I am someone who is figuring out life…

