Are Generative AI Tools a Crutch for Lost Data Analysts?

Samrat Chakraborty
2 min readMay 2, 2024


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the foundation of any successful data project. It’s where analysts get their hands dirty, digging into the unknown to uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies. But what if some analysts are skipping crucial steps and relying on a new, shiny tool: Generative AI?

There’s a growing concern that data analysts, particularly those new to the field, might be using generative AI tools as a shortcut for understanding the data. These tools can be incredibly powerful, summarizing data, generating hypotheses, and even creating visualizations. However, there’s a risk of becoming overly reliant on AI’s interpretations, potentially missing crucial details or falling victim to biases within the AI model itself.

Here’s why a strong foundation in data comprehension is essential, even with generative AI in the mix:

  • Black Box Insights: Generative AI tools can identify patterns and trends, but they often don’t explain why these patterns exist. A good analyst should be able to interpret these findings and connect them to the bigger picture.
  • Hidden Biases: AI tools are trained on existing data, which can be biased. These biases can be reflected in the AI’s outputs, leading to misleading conclusions. Analysts need to be critical of the data and the tools they use.
  • Missed Opportunities: Generative AI might miss subtle nuances in the data that a human analyst would pick up on. These hidden gems could be crucial for uncovering valuable insights.

However, we can ensure that Generative AI models empowers, and not replaces, strong data analysis practices.

  • Focus on Fundamentals: Before diving into AI tools, analysts should prioritize understanding the data itself. This includes data cleaning, exploratory visualizations, and basic statistical analysis.
  • Use AI as a Springboard: Generative AI can be a great way to generate initial hypotheses or identify potential areas of interest. But these suggestions should be rigorously tested and validated by the analyst using their own understanding of the data.
  • Maintain Transparency: When presenting findings, analysts should be clear about the role AI played in the analysis. This builds trust and allows stakeholders to understand the limitations and potential biases of the results.

We can conclude that Generative AI is a powerful addition to the data analyst’s toolkit, but it shouldn’t replace the core analytical skillset. By focusing on data comprehension and using AI responsibly, analysts can leverage the best of both worlds to extract even deeper insights from their data.

