The story of me and doctor in Cambodian hospital

5 min readJan 6, 2015


What is your idea when you think of health service in Cambodia?

I believe most of Cambodians say it is poor or even absolutely poor. That is the reason why the rich fly to neighboring countries or other countries abroad rather than having their family being treated here in Cambodia.

To me who is living in a medium living condition family, I think health service in Cambodia is absolutely poor.

I have never come to Calmette Hospital for treatment, and it is the only hospital, which has every equipment to treat people’s illness. Whoever goes to private hospital for treatment and once, their illnesses are very serious, they will be sent to Calmette Hospital at the end of the day.

That is why my dad keeps telling me that if there is anything wrong happen to him; please bring him to Calmette Hospital.

My dad has been having blood pressure for about 10 years already. He takes medicines and do exercise everyday. However, if he eats salty food or any unhealthy food, his blood pressure will go higher than usual. On Saturday night last week, my dad went to eat pizza at Pizza Company with my brother. My niece vomited seriously on the next day while my dad is still fine. On Sunday, my dad ate spring roll for lunch and dinner and to him, that was too much salty food.

As a result, he has vomited since Monday until today (Tuesday). On Monday, he did not feel fine and vomited a few times but today, he vomited so many times in the early morning. Plus, he felt super dizzy and found it so hard to walk, so I drove him to Calmette Hospital immediately.

As soon as my mum, my dad and I arrived at the office, my mum immediately took him to emergency room. I was busy parking my car, so I couldn’t come in with my parents. After parking the car, I went to the emergency room and saw my dad on the bed without having any nurse or doctor to take care of.

I was asked to pay the bill for the room. I was told there are two choices for the room. If my dad can stay in one room with other patients, it is going to cost only $20, but if my dad wants to stay in another room with only one patient, it is going to cost $35. Actually, the cashier should have told me about the VIP room which costs me $45 but my dad can stay alone in that room because other patients will not get in. Because I was given only 2 choices, I told the cashier I chose the 2nd choice which is the $35.

After paying the bill for medicines, my dad was transfer to another room but that room was not the room I paid for. It was the room with about 4 patients. The smell was so bad; it was not clean. One patient coughed so much while another patient kept complaining it’s hurt; it’s hurt.

Another doctor told me that there was no more available room, so we need to wait till the afternoon time when my dad can be transferred to another available room. I asked the doctor when we could have the available room and she said she does not know either. That doctor kept asking me to pay for the room fee; however, I denied to pay. I informed her that I could pay now if only she revised the cost of that room to $20 and when my dad can be transferred to another room that I want, I will pay her in addition ($15). She said that she could not do so. She blamed the cashier who gave me the wrong information regarding to the fee. She said that the room with many patients is $35 not $20. I asked her to come along with me to see the cashier to clarify the cost but she denied meeting. I was speechless this morning about the cause. I did not want to cause any argument while my dad was seriously sick, so I decided to pay for $35 to the $20 room.

After moving to this $20 room, one intern doctor came in and asked my dad general questions including:

1. What did you eat before feeling not fine?

2. Did you take any medicine?

3. Do you have any serious illness & operation that you used to have or are having?

4. Do you snore when you sleep?

5. How often do you go to toilet?

6. Do you often go to toilet at night time?

7. Do you sleep well at night?

8. Do you take a nap?

9. And a few other questions that I could not remember them all.

After asking questions, he took note and then did not take any action. A few other intern students also came in and asked my dad the same questions that the previous doctor asked and the same thing happened as well. They did not take any immediate action. They said doctor was coming soon. There was nothing my family could do besides waiting for doctor. Doctor came at 11:30am, and that was such a long wait for a patient. Patients shall deserve the well treatment whenever they do not feel fine. My dad arrived at hospital at 8am and got real treatment at 11:30am. I kept asking intern doctors why they did not take any action and what is their next action after checking my dad. They could not answer anything besides please wait for doctor. You, the reader, judge this. I do not want to complain anything about it. Please judge the situation by yourself based on this scenario.

When doctor came in, he asked the same questions again and he asked my dad to scan his head to check if there is something wrong with the nerves in his brain. Ok, it was time for me to pay another bill before my dad could go to scan his head. There were many people at the billing station, so when I was done with paying the bill, doctor already went back home for lunch. Thus, my family needed to wait till 2pm to get my dad’s head scanned.

About 2:20pm, my dad was sent to scan his head. After scanning, he was moved to the $35 room, which is much convenient than the previous room that was full of patients. My whole family kept looking forward to hearing reasons from doctor regarding to the reason why my dad’s blood pressure goes so high. From morning until now, I still cannot know why my dad’s blood pressure goes so high. It’s almost 24 hours and still, no answer appears. I am super speechless.

I will update more tomorrow to share my first time experience dealing with state hospital.




Writing helps me sharing my voice to shape the world into a better place or at least, it helps me to empty my mind (stress).