Mastering Data Manipulation with Pandas🐼: Solving Beginner-Friendly Problems on LeetCode 🚀

Unleashing the Power of Pandas in 30 Days

Chakshu Gupta
2 min readAug 4, 2023

Introduction 🎉

Welcome to my pandas adventure on LeetCode! Over the course of 30 days, I’ll be honing my data manipulation skills using pandas by solving three intriguing problems. In this blog, I will walk you through the solutions I’ve crafted for each problem, demonstrating how pandas, the powerful Python library, can simplify complex data tasks effortlessly.

🌍Problem 1: Big Countries 🌍

The first problem, “Big Countries,” required finding the name, population, and area of the big countries. Leveraging pandas, I was able to perform this task with just a few lines of code. Using pandas’ DataFrame, I loaded the country data and filtered out the countries that met the criteria of having a large population and area. The simplicity of pandas made it easy to manipulate and analyze the data, providing quick insights into the big countries.

🛒Problem 2: Recyclable and Low Fat Products🥗

On to the next challenge, “Recyclable and Low Fat Products.” Here, the goal was to find the product IDs that were both low fat and recyclable. Thanks to pandas’ versatile filtering capabilities, solving this problem was a breeze. I loaded the product data into a pandas `DataFrame`, efficiently applied filters based on the given conditions, and obtained the desired result in no time. This problem truly showcased the power and efficiency of pandas when it comes to data manipulation.

👥Problem 3: Customers Who Never Order 🛍️

The third problem, “Customers Who Never Order,” aimed to find all customers who had never placed an order. Armed with pandas, I merged the customer and order data, then skillfully applied grouping and filtering operations to identify those elusive customers. Once again, pandas proved to be a game-changer, effortlessly handling complex data manipulations.

These beginner-friendly problems have provided an incredible opportunity to witness the might of pandas in action. Throughout this challenge, I’ve gained valuable insights into pandas’ capabilities, and I can’t wait to explore more! 🌈

Whether you’re a data enthusiast or just starting your data manipulation journey, pandas has something special for you! Its intuitive syntax and versatility make it an essential tool for any data professional. So join me in this adventure, and let’s embrace the power of pandas together! 🐼

Stay tuned for regular updates as I share my learnings and progress through the 30-day pandas challenge! Happy coding! 🚀🎈

If you enjoyed this blog and want to stay updated with my pandas journey, feel free to follow me on Medium and give this post a round of applause! 👏 Your support means the world to me! And don’t forget to share this blog with fellow data enthusiasts who might find it helpful. 🤗

Keep pandas-ing, and see you in the next update! 📆

Chakshu Gupta

