John Reis Chalfont | How to Start a Car Service Station Business

4 min readNov 11, 2022

Get Experience & Skill

The two most crucial components of this company are these two. We will suggest working at a service station first if you truly lack any prior knowledge. Before you put your own money at risk, you must thoroughly understand the industry.

Each sector has its own set of trade secrets. And you should be aware. You can also consider enrolling in a quick course in automotive engineering.

John Reis Chalfont | How to Start a Car Service Station Business

Market Research

John Reis Chalfont says that Before opening your service station in the area where you intend to set up an auto service station, conduct a thorough market analysis. Conduct a thorough investigation of the service stations to try to identify the opportunity gap. What type of service is lacking there? Your company may concentrate on providing that particular service.

Find out which services are most in demand among clients. And look at the prices charged by other service providers for those services. Additionally, look at the tools and equipment they are utilizing. In this industry, it matters.

The choice of the venue is crucial. The distance between your location and the closest service facility must be a set amount.

Arrange Finance

The vehicle service station industry is quite expensive. To start it in India, you’ll often need to invest crores.

Three fundamental sorts of investment are required to open an auto service facility. Infrastructure, tools, and labor are these. The amount or volume relies on a variety of factors, such as the services you wish to offer and how many cars you want to accommodate simultaneously. Additionally, it is based on the anticipated business volume that you anticipate from the service center.

John Reis Chalfont | How to Start a Car Service Station Business | Select the Type

Select the Type

The business of an auto service station offers a variety of services.

  • auto wash
  • mechanical tasks such as those involving the engine, transmission, accelerator, shock absorber, etc.
  • electrical tasks such as lighting, horns, etc.
  • service for auto air conditioner
  • wheel alignment and balancing
  • Several oil change services, including those for steering oil, gear oil, and engine oil
  • services for painting and denting automobile bodies
  • battery maintenance
  • vehicle body polishing

Create a business plan for a car service station

According to John Reis Chalfont, Make a thorough business strategy for your car repair shop venture. What services will you be providing to your customers? What kind of tools will be required? What type of workforce should we have? What size space is needed for the setup? Calculate the startup budget using labor costs and certain spare parts, oils, and other supplies in stock.

Register Your Company

For hassle-free operation, it is crucial to register your car servicing facility. Depending on the size and scope of the firm, one can select from a variety of business structures. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, and private limited companies are a few of the common ones. Choose the one that best suits you.

Obtain Licenses and Permits

It is advisable to speak with a professional or a local competent authority to find out more about the set of permits required to operate an auto repair shop in the preferred location. It is important to note that, as of right now, running this business in the USA requires having a GST registration number.

Buy Equipment For Automobile Service Station

You will require it based on your requirements and look for the machinery and equipment. You’ll need a hydraulic lift and a pneumatic wash gun for a vehicle wash. To provide your customers with the greatest service, you must have modern technological equipment for every individual service.

John Reis Chalfont | How to Start a Car Service Station Business | Buy Equipment For Automobile Service Station

As Per John Reis Chalfont, Invest in record-keeping software. You can accurately track your consumers with the assistance of our bespoke program. Additionally, you may notify them when it’s time for their vehicles’ subsequent servicing.

Consider storing any spare components that are frequently required. It aids in creating an additional margin there.

Additionally, you may maintain certain standard vehicle accessories, such as seat coverings and colognes. By installing something there, you may adorn a corner while generating more income.

Hire Manpower

The opening of an automotive service station requires two separate sorts of labor. Keep qualified, technically sound workers on hand for mechanical tasks. Verify their credentials and experience under needs. Maintaining an automobile engineer to oversee all activities is usually advisable.

Hire some staff to help with office tasks like creating job cards, invoices, cash payments, etc. The consumer can speak with a customer support representative after the service to discuss their workshop experience. Given that this is a service sector and that the primary standard is customer happiness, it will significantly increase the worth of your automotive service station business.

Promote Your Auto Repair Facility

Start promoting your local car service station company. Place some ads in the local paper, the phone book, and vehicle magazines. You can also distribute some brochures or pamphlets. Simply leave the flyers on the windshield wipers of the vehicles parked in a space.

Publish a website. Describe the specific services you are providing and the benefits of those services there. You might provide extra services like doorstep pickup and delivery for your clients.




Chalfont Collision Center is a full-service provider of collision and auto body repair in the USA.