Is CMDB a Myth? Can we implement an Intelligent CMDB to support the Modern Infrastructure?

Praveen Challa
4 min readAug 30, 2020

History of CMDB

CMDB is the Configuration Management Database to store Configuration Items, In the past when CMDB was originated Organizations started maintaining their CMDB data in spread sheets and since then never got a full control of maintaining a real-time accurate CMDB. CMDB data gets populated in three different ways: People, Process and Technology , Process is dependent or either people or technology.

Organizations spend millions of dollars in hiring CMDB Librarians or admins whose role is to maintain the data in CMDB manually and report, and in the end inevitable to human errors and with the advent of Hybrid, Public Cloud, Containerization and Workloads the manual maintenance of CMDB is not feasible and the only option is to innovate on the technology front that can keep up with the changes. Thus, Organizations are in the journey of implementing an intelligent and real-time CMDB.

So, is acquiring tools that discover CIs is the answer?, doesn’t sound easy also not the right way to move forward because these discovery tools don’t talk to each other and integrating with too many discovery sources would only result in duplicates and redundancy. Discovering with multiple tools might populate the CMDB automatically with lot of…

