PVC Fence Installation in NJ

Challenger Fence
2 min readJul 18, 2018


High-quality роlуvіnуl chloride (PVC) fencing is a popular, attractive option for homeowners. Yоu саn maximize your bасkуаrd ѕрасе and mаkе іt a secure place fоr your children to play and your pets to roam about. The nееd fоr a fence іѕ еvеn grеаtеr if уоu have a рооl оr іf уоu’re looking for addition privacy for your home. PVC Fеnсеѕ аdd to the beauty of your home, while still serving practical purposes.

PVC Fence Installation in NJ

For some people, PVC (another form of vinyl fences) may be rather expensive, however, the material is long-lasting and low maintenance. When thinking about it, the initial expense for PVC fences offers more solutions compared to other fences. You don’t have to over stress yourself in maintaining your fence, especially repainting chipped or dated areas.

If you’re interested in getting a PVC fence installation in NJ, come talk to our professionals at Challenger Fence Inc.

With more than a decade of experience, our professional fence contractors at Challenger Fence Inc., know what it takes to give you the fence installation you want. Our PVC fences are not only durable, but they are also highly resistant to damage from the sun and water. Not only that, but our PVC fences give you various decorative options such as post caps, gates and other hardware to make it more fitting to what you’re looking for. With this kind of flexibility in design and style choices, easy installation and the toughness of the material, there’s nothing more you can ask for your fencing choice.

You can get a PVC installation in NJ for a variety of projects including deck railings, ranch rail fencing, privacy fencing and more. Our PVC fences are eco-friendly, made from recycled and non-toxic materials.

At Challenger Fence Inc., we work hard to give you quality PVC fence installation in NJ. We offer a free fence quote that can help you plan your budget.

Get a fence that you’ll love today!

For more information about PVC fence installation in NJ, contact Challenger Fence Inc. at (973) 772–2593.

Challenger Fence Inc. — Your trusted experts for PVC Fence Installation in NJ.


