7 Reasons Why Stay Away from the Book of Enoch

2 min readJun 18, 2024


Book of Enoch

Scholars and fans have long been intrigued by the Book of Enoch. A collection of texts attributed to Enoch in the Bible, it features otherworldly creatures, esoteric wisdom, and apocalyptic images that make up its mystique.

Careful examination reveals, however, that its interpretation must be approached carefully; hence the purpose of this article is to highlight some often ignored facts regarding its source material as well as provide an overview.

Origin of the Book of Enoch

The book of Enoch’s origins can be traced back to ancient manuscripts. The most well-known versions are the Ethiopian Enoch (1 Enoch), Slavonic Enoch, and Hebrew Enoch with Ethiopian Enoch being the completest and widely studied one attributed to Enoch the Great-Grandfather Noah who could walk alongside God before ascending into Heaven.

Scholars generally agree that the Book of Enoch was written over several centuries between the 3rd Century BCE to 1st Century CE, likely stretching between the 3rd and 1st centuries CE. Its complex history involves many cultural and religious influences which helped form its composition.

Why Stay Away from the Book of Enoch?

1. Lack of Canonical Status

The Book of Enoch does not fall within any mainstream religion’s canon of religious texts, prompting caution when looking at it. Though mentioned in numerous ancient manuscripts, its theological importance and message should be closely evaluated before drawing any definitive conclusions about its value or influence.

2. Multiple Manuscript Versions & Inconsistancies

There are multiple versions and inconsistencies with this manuscript. Various versions of Enoch’s Book differ significantly, creating difficulty in ascertaining its authenticity and reliability. Differences among versions cast doubt over whether changes were introduced through interpolations over time; consequently casting doubt upon it reliability.

3. Unknown Author and Date

Date and Authorship of Enoch Book It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when The Book of Enoch was composed; authorship remains uncertain but was traditionally assumed. With various religious and cultural influences that impacted its creation and history influencing it over time; pinpointing any exact details surrounding authorship/date can raise serious doubts as to its accuracy in text form.

Also Read: 10 Facts About the Book of Enoch

4. Impacts of Heterodox Movements

History shows us that throughout its long and complex existence, the Book of Enoch has long been linked with heterodox religious movements and radical fringe groups. While popular among some Jewish and Christian communities, mainstream religions were generally skeptical towards it and saw it as heretical or non-mainstream groups were suspicious about it’s potential ideological biases.

Read the full article at: https://cameronsbooks.com/why-stay-away-from-the-book-of-enoch/

