My First Blog: part 2:

Vara Chamakura, Ph.D.
3 min readMar 15, 2024


Yesterday, I just initiated my journey in writing and published My First Blog: part 1 and gave a brief about myself.

Today, it’s time to talk about the topics to be discussed on these pages.

A hint was already given yesterday that we’ll talk about HUMAN HEALTH.

We all know what a big topic this is going to be and how many areas one has to cover.

To truly cover it, a lifetime may not be enough.

So, the first focus areas will be those which directly affected me.

And what are the learnings while facing them?

MENTAL HEALTH is the subject of my interest and for many people out there.

There are nearly 58 million people in USA suffering from MENTAL HEALTH. Of the USA population more than one in five adults live with a mental illness according to a 2021 study.

MENTAL HEALTH disorders are of wide spectral length ranging from mild to very severe.

Within the mental health, initially these pages will be restricted to attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism.


Because, I have raised a child who has ADHD and is still hyperactive even at the age of 31 years if not given any SUPPLEMENTS.

I have great experiences with him while am taking care of his needs. His ADHD really stopped him progressing academically more than his AUTISM.

The MENTAL DISORDERS are usually CHRONIC in nature. They are not like infectious diseases which can be treated with antibiotics, and they will disappear at least for some time.

For chronic disorders which system of medicine, allopathy or naturopathy system is right?

The debate is continuing unending as to which system is best.

However, some leading allopathic doctors research and practice is directed towards integrative and functional medicine.

Functional medicine practitioners are trying to revive old school of medical practice followed in Asia such as Ayurveda in India or Traditional Chinese Medicine or elsewhere naturopathy in the world, wherein they treat the patients in holistic manner focusing on the root cause of the disease rather than on the symptoms of the disease.

Currently there are several functional medicine practitioners in USA and with a simple search over Google you can find the one nearest to you.

I am sure in the other parts of world also it’s becoming popular.

For chronic disorders the lifestyle change is necessary to stop their progression further.

This involves the serious changes in diet. Unfortunately, for many people it’s a difficult proposition.

Many people, they would rather prefer popping a dozen pills than change their lifestyles.

They argue that life is short and enjoy the stay here. There are others who argue otherwise the life is precious and make this stay healthy and purposeful.

There are people on both sides of the aisle.

As a medicinal chemist, I have read enough medical literature to know the pros and cons of allopathy in managing chronic disorders.

For me no single practice of medicine is entirely good or bad. I think they are complimentary, and I don’t understand why there’s such a heated argument.

To cut the discussion further I would like to state it’s a matter of individuals’ choice what system they would like to prefer.

So, I preferred naturopathy for my son to alleviate his issues.

Has naturopathy helped him?

Let the journey begin and unveil itself.

Has any of you tried naturopathy? What are your thoughts over it?

Cheers until next post,

Vara Chamakura



Vara Chamakura, Ph.D.

Naturopathy advocate for chronic disorders like attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism, Experienced Drug Discovery Research Scientist.