Elephant Ear Betta: Do you own an Elephant Ear Betta fish?

Chamika Siriwardhana
1 min readJan 12, 2020

If so, then we’re sure you want to keep it happy and healthy. That’s why we created this guide on how to care for your elephant ear betta fish. It includes everything from feeding your pet to cleaning its tank! We even have a section on how often you should change the water in your tank! So if you want to learn more about caring for this unique species of fish, check out our guide today.

When was the last time you changed the water in your betta’s tank? You probably don’t remember because it hasn’t been that long since then… But did you know that dirty water can cause health problems for your pet? Don’t wait until it’s too late — read our guide now and make sure that doesn’t happen! By following these simple tips, not only will you be able to keep track of when it’s time to clean out their tanks but also ensure they stay healthy all year round. And isn’t keeping them happy what matters most?

Read our new blog post on elephant ear betta care today by clicking more in this post

