How do I set up MetaMask to use the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)?

chamo mile
2 min readApr 15, 2021


Dear Community,

For the convenience of using products as well as participating in events, the first thing needed is a Binance Smart Chain wallet address (BSC).

We recommend that everyone use 3 types of wallets: Trust Wallet, SafePal Wallet, Metamask. In particular, Trust Wallet and SafePal Wallet have available support for tokens on the Binance Smart Chain platform.

As for Metamask we need additional configuration. Read the following article to create yourself a BSC wallet address, and participate in the upcoming events.

Step 1: Create a normal metamask wallet address.

  • Now you should have your extension installed and your 12-word seed phrase generated (don’t lose it, it allows you to access your funds), head to the settings tab.

Step 2: It is in this tab that you must manually set up Metamask for Binance chian as follows:

You are now connected to the BSC network!

