Different types of metals.

Champak Jyoti
Dec 1, 2022


What are elements? How they are classified?

Answer :- The matters which are composed of only one type of particles are known as elements.

Elements are of three types:-(i) Metals (ii) Non metals. (iii) Metalloids.


Sodium(Na), Magnesium (Mg),
Gold (Au)…..

Non metals :-

Carbon ©, Sulphur(S),Nitrogen (N)….

Metalloids :-

Boron(B), Silicon(Si), Arsenic(As)….

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Champak Jyoti

I am Champak Jyoti,from India. Professionally I am a high school mathematics teacher of Govt.of India.I love writing. My website :-www.maths-group.online