How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter

Champak Jyoti
5 min readMar 25, 2024



The circle, a fundamental geometric shape, has intrigued mathematicians and thinkers for centuries. Its simplicity is matched only by its elegance, making it a cornerstone in various mathematical and scientific applications. One of it’s main property of a circle is its area, a fundamental measure that gives significance in fields ranging from mathematics to engineering and beyond. In this brief article, I will try to explain the intricacies of How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter.


To start today’s article How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter,Let’s first realise some basic concepts regarding How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter.

Understanding the Basic Concepts:

Before we start the journey of calculating the area of a circle using its diameter, let’s revisit some fundamental concepts.

What is diameter of a circle?

The diameter of a circle is defined as the distance across the circle through its center, passing through two points on the circumference,which is denoted by ‘d,’ the diameter is directly related to the radius (‘r’) — the distance from the center of the circle to any point on its circumference which is given by the equation d = 2r.

How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter

The formula for finding the area (‘A’) of a circle is universally known as A = πr², where ‘π’ represents the mathematical constant Pi (approximately 3.14159). This formula is traditionally used with the radius as the primary input. However, when we are focussed with the diameter, a slight modification is necessary.

Converting Diameter to Radius:

Since the formula for the area involves the radius, the first step is how to convert the diameter to the radius. As I have mentioned earlier, the relationship between the diameter and radius is given by the equation d = 2r. Therefore, to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter, we simply need to divide the diameter by 2. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:
r = d /2
This conversion is crucial before applying the traditional area formula.

Revised Area Formula using Diameter:

Since we have the radius in terms of the diameter, so we can substitute this expression into the traditional area formula. The revised formula for finding the area of a circle with the diameter is:
A = π (d /2)²
Simplifying this expression yields:
A = π d² /4
This modified formula is the key to unlocking the area of a circle when it is given with its diameter.

Practical Example:

Let’s walk through a practical example to solidify our understanding. Let us, Consider a circle with a diameter of 10 units. To find the area, we will follow these steps:

1.We will convert the diameter to radius:

2. So, r =d/2=10/2=5 unit

3. Now, Area of the triangle = πr²
= π × ⁵²
= π × 25
=25π square units.
Hence, the area of the circle with a diameter of 10 units is 25π square units.
Again we can do above example in another way
∵ Diameter (d) =10 unit
∴ Area of the triangle = π d² /4
= π x1⁰² /4 [ putting value]
= π x 100 /4
= π x 25
= 25π square unit

Visual Representation:

To Understand this concept is enhanced by visualizing it.Let us, Imagine a circle with its diameter and the radius drawn. Now if we split the circle into two halves using the diameter, we can see how the radius relates to this division. The radius essentially extends from the center of the circle to the midpoint of the diameter, forming a right-angled triangle. This geometric insight is not only aesthetically pleasing but also aids in grasping the mathematical relationship between the diameter and radius, d = 2r

Some Problems related to find the area of a circle with diameter.

Question(1):The diameter of a right circular
tank is 7cm, find the area of the tank.(Take π = 22/7)

How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter

Answer: Here,
diameter(d) = 7cm
∴ Area of the tank = πd²/4
= (22/7 × 7 × 7) / 4 [Putting values]
= ( 22 × 7) /4
= 154 / 4
= 77/ 2
= 38.5 cm²

Question(2): The diameter of a circle is 14 cm,find the area of the circle.(Take π = 22/7)
diameter(d) = 14 cm
Radius (r) =14/2 cm
= 7cm
∴ Area of the circle = πr²
= 22/7 x ⁷² [Putting values]
= 22/7 x 7 x 7
= 22 x 7
= 154 cm²

Question(3): The area of a circle is 1256 m²,find its diameter.(Take π = 3.14)
Answer: Here,
Area = 1256 m²
Let, diameter of the circle = d meter
Now A/Q,
πd²/4 = 1256
=> 3.14 x d²/4 = 1256
=>d²/4 = 1256 /3.14
=> d²/4 =(1256 x 100) / (3.14 x100)
=> d²/4 = 125600 / 314.00
=> d²/4 = 400
=> d² = 400 x 4
=> d² = 1600
=> d = 40
∴ diameter of the circle = 40 m

Applications in Real Life:

The ability to find the area of a circle using its diameter is not confined to textbooks and classrooms; it finds practical applications in various real-world scenarios. Let us,Consider scenarios where the diameter of circular objects, such as pipes, wheels, or containers, is known. Knowing the area of these objects is crucial in fields like engineering, construction, and manufacturing.
For instance, in the construction of circular swimming pools, engineers need to calculate the amount of tiling or lining required, and this involves knowing the area of the circular pool. Similarly, when manufacturing circular gears for machinery, understanding the area aids in determining material requirements. These are just a few examples showcasing the real-world relevance of mastering the art of How to Find the Area of a Circle with Diameter.

While the process of finding the area of a circle with its diameter is straightforward, there are common pitfalls that learners may encounter. One such pitfall is forgetting to square the radius when substituting it into the formula. The formula is
A = πd²/4
and squaring the radius is crucial for an accurate calculation.
Another challenge lies in understanding the relationship between the diameter and radius geometrically. Some learners may struggle to visualize the concept of the radius being half of the diameter, leading to errors in calculations. To overcome this, engaging in practical exercises with visual aids can significantly enhance comprehension.

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Champak Jyoti

I am Champak Jyoti,from India. Professionally I am a high school mathematics teacher of Govt.of India.I love writing. My website