Do You Know How To ‘Read’ Your (Basic) Social Media Numbers?

Champions Of Mind
2 min readJul 19, 2019


Business Owners and Brand Builders:

Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by data but, equally, you must learn to understand the meaning behind the numbers in your business. The basic stats in this post, from one of our Facebook business pages for example, show a great opportunity for making sure that you are getting your message out to as many people as possible, in the best way possible.

Behind the scenes of your brand and business pages on social media is a wealth of info about who resonates with your content, when they are online, where they are, exactly who they are and — really importantlywhat sort of content resonates best with them.

This is NOT a post to say ‘save your best piece of content all week for Sunday evening as you have a 3% spike in organic uplift blah blah, fucking blah’ however what I am saying is that it can be very beneficial to have at least some idea of knowing the format that your followers and fans best engage with and when they are most likely to see it.

For example, our #MondayMotivation podcast is always released at 5am (as an early start, getting up and smashing the week is part of the ethos of our brand) but the associated emotive dramatic b-roll videos that we have been testing recently don’t come out until 1pm as we know that our platforms benefit from a big spike of traffic around that time.

‘I do Social Media’ is chucked around as a bit of generic term these days but as a business owner and brand builder you are now effectively required to be your own marketing manager, PR agent, content creator and expert communicator. That is tough to do as well as run your business, but that’s the world we live in, so get used to it or get left behind. It’s that simple.

To go back to the beginning of this post, don’t drown yourself in data but sometimes knowing some basic info on who engage best with your marketing (and that is what social media is…every single post of it!) you can create branded content that has the best possible chance of resonating with the audience you are targeting and helps them to understand the message that you want to put in front of them.



Champions Of Mind

The UK’s leading #mindset #motivation and performance coaches. Tangible, actionable and instantly-usable content for success in #business, #branding and life.