What Business Lessons Can You Learn From This Morning’s Cup Of Coffee

Champions Of Mind
2 min readJun 12, 2019


Costa Business…

Costa isn’t just a nice tasting, good quality and convenient Coffee house its a GOLD MINE. The one thing they have mastered is…

1. The art of the UPSELL. When you go into any Costa across the UK each and every Barista / Cashier / Sales Rep (and we use the term sales rep intentionally there!) says this…

- ‘is that a medium or large sir?’

What happened to small…?

An additional margin of 25p is generally made from every single consumer that goes with the flow when purchasing a coffee, simply because the sales person is LEADING the latter part of the sale.

Yes, even though you want the product they are still selling to you and, yes, even if you are unaware of it you are being led!

Imagine this…..

Costa: “Good morning sir/madam how are you today, what coffee would you like and what size would you prefer? There are 3 sizes small/medium/large all of which differ in price by about 25p…”

This would take out what we CALL, the sales assumption!

Notice this…

1. If the unconscious UPSELL doesn’t work they will hit you with another that is presented in the form of an opportunity…

“Would you like to try our NEW Colombian Blend?”
Once again NO mention of price….

Hundreds of MILLIONS of pound/dollars are generated daily from one simple sales technique, with a commodity that is essential or perceived as so to 99% of the human race. Because we want the product, the additional costs we are incurring, the extra margins that are made and the sales techniques that are being used to make them can go unnoticed.

Some would call this ‘Subconscious Selling’.

Ladies and gentleman, we have to make business and making money our moral obligation, because from the second we wake up through to the second we go to sleep we are being sold too and massive margins are being made, which ultimately are fuelling the economy.

If you don’t make MONEY a priority you will be at the mercy of it.



Champions Of Mind

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