SwiftUI Text — things you can do

Chandan Karmakar
2 min readApr 9, 2024

Explore the versatile capabilities of SwiftUI’s Text view, from basic formatting to advanced styling, localization, and dynamic content rendering.

Dynamic Size

Text("Hello World")

Text("Hello World")
.frame(width: 70)


Text("Hello").font(.title) + Text(" World").font(.subheadline)


// use of this overloaded init
_ key: LocalizedStringKey,
tableName: String? = nil,
bundle: Bundle? = nil,
comment: StaticString? = nil

Text("Visit my [website](https://www.apple.com)")

let key: LocalizedStringKey = "Visit my [website](https://www.apple.com)"

Text("This is normal text")
Text("This is **bold** text, this is *italic* text, this is ***bold, italic*** text.")

Link color

Text("Visit my [website](https://www.apple.com)")

Link click detection

Text("Visit my [website](https://www.apple.com)")
.environment(\.openURL, OpenURLAction { url in
print("clicked \(url)")
return .handled

Inline Text replacement

Text("This is \(Text("red").foregroundColor(.red).bold()) text")

// all the methods those returns Text are supported
// custom types need to conform LocalizedStringKey.StringInterpolation

Auto update Dates

let date = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60*60)
let now = Date()

var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Date \(now, style: .date)")
Text("Time \(now, style: .time)")

Text("Time left \(date, style: .relative)")
Text("Timer \(date, style: .timer)")

Text("Time passed \(now, style: .offset)")

.frame(width: 300)

Comment if you have something interesting about SwiftUI Texts.

Thanks for reading.

