Terrence Malick does it better!

Thubelihle Chance Ntombela
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Film is subjective. What may be appealing to me might not be so appealing to the person next to me. I spend most of my time analysing films, yes, I analyse tv shows and films for a living. Over the years of being a movie critic, I’ve come across directors whose work has impacted me in. ways that I could never perfectly articulate. This includes the likes of Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, Jozua Malherbe, Yorgos Lanthimos, Martin Scorcere and Terrence Malick.

Malick’s films have explored themes such as transcendence, nature, and conflicts between reason and instinct. He takes an unfamiliar approach to filmmaking and I must say, as a person who is intrigued by cinematography, I find his work to be compelling and provocative. His films are typically marked by broad philosophical and spiritual overtones, as well as the use of meditative voice overs from his characters.

His first film Badlands (1973) earned him Academy Awards nominations. I discovered Malick through his film The Tree Of Life (2011) which garned him an Oscar. Initially, I thought it was such a weird approach to storytelling but then again, we all tell stories the best way we know how. He creates stories that are a wisp of a thing. Intrigued by his film, I did some research on the net about him and found out he took a lengthy hiatus after his 1978 film Days of Heaven. Primarily shot using natural lighting,

Having taught philosophy in the United States of America, his film work is very much a reflection of his philosophical ideas. The complexities and stylistic elements of his work have polarized film scholars and audiences. Having been fascinated by cinematography, I found his work to be exactly what I’ve been looking for. Yes, while many praise his films for their lavish cinematography and aesthetics, others fault them for lacking in plot and character development. I’ve been hanging with one foot on each side of the rope.

Who’s to say this is what makes a film and this isn’t. Of course, everything has a set of rules but I’ve always found people who skate the other side of the law my favourite because they get to explore worlds that haven’t been explored before. They get to create their own worlds and invite others to be a part of the journey too. No matter how complicated it may seem. In Roger Ebert’s opinion, Malick is among the few remaining directors who yearn “to make no less than a masterpiece” I couldn’t agree more. Malick’s work has nonetheless ranked highly.

Days of Heaven is now back in theaters in a 4K restoration and also available through the Criterion Collection. It is a film all about the fact that things don’t last, about lives lived in windswept impermanence on the Texas prairie. Some have said Malick’s films feels like a grand vision.

I certainly can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him (and us). Whatever it is, I’m certain it will be mind blowing!



Thubelihle Chance Ntombela

Thubelihle Chance Ntombela is a multimedia journalist, film enthusiast, content strategist, author, media consultant and well…