Are you dealing with an angry (Black) woman? Help is here!

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
1 min readJun 23, 2016


It’s happened. You’re in conversation with a woman, and she’s angry. Maybe she’s Black. She’s a feminist. Maybe she’s anti-racist. She’s being fucking infuriating! OMG!!!

So, this can be a really frustrating situation, which is why I’ve put together this short guide, in the form of a reading list, for how to handle her.

Audre Lorde on whether that angry Black woman thing helps

Kiese Laymon on the importance of being forgiving

Jay Smooth on being a successful woman

Do or Die on what to do when someone is being sensitive

Robin DiAngelo on what to do when someone is attacking you and your freedoms

Dunja Kay on dating feminists

Jaclyn Friedman on being a difficult feminist

Cosmopolitan on feminist demands

Dummies guide* to tactics if you’re starting to run out of other ideas

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (me!) on making sure the tone of conversation is a good one

Hopefully this will give you everything you need to handle that difficult woman! Good luck! ❤

*Seriously though, we need this to be rewritten sans the ableist language.

