Chandana Chenchu
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

A/B test

1 story

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Side hustle

1 story

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Personal development

4 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Dream Big

1 story

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

PM Resources

26 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

PM Promotion/Impact

2 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Influence/Leadership Buy in

1 story

Presenting and pitching a product idea can be daunting, especially coming off a rejected idea. Learn how to avoid pitches getting rejected, and how to do it right
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

ChatGPT PM Queries

2 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Tech for PMs

2 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Product sense/product thinking

2 stories

Funnel diagram showing the first and the last step of a product sense interview flow along with the proposed framework.
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Product Manager Tools

6 stories

Common frameworks & Techniques a PM should use
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


3 stories

Manifest Anything With the 3–6–9 Manifestation Method
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


8 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


3 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


2 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Data analysis

2 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

self help

15 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


5 stories

Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu


2 stories

Woman sitting in front of a large plant. She is wearing a brown headwrap and resting her cupped hands under her chest. She looks thoughtful.
Chandana Chenchu

Chandana Chenchu

Side hustle

2 stories