Why I Don’t Read Business Books Anymore

4 min readApr 28, 2020

Remember the rush the first time you read a business book that seemed to change the way you thought about your company, your job or your life?

Somehow, 182 pages of tidily organized thoughts and anecdotes armed you with an idea that redefined your entire life outlook and career plan.

Well, I don’t read business books anymore.

Why? Here are 3 simple reasons.

  1. Business books make exclusive claims about the effectiveness and correctness of their prescribed system or philosophy. They often demand an “all-in” adherence that precludes using multiple systems or philosophies.
  2. Most business literature attempts to collate and formularize a set of tactics or strategies that are actually a combination of hard work, luck and non-replicable market conditions.
  3. Despite their insistence to the contrary, many business books don’t cross industry boundaries without losing their potency and clarity in application.

Every year, thousands of fresh new titles hit the shelves in bookstores and crowd the Amazon bestseller list.

Why would publishers put out content that doesn’t provide value? Because it sells!

It’s too hard to resist snappy subtitles that promise total resolution to our pain.

