5 Common WordPress Security Issues And How to Fix Them

Chandni Akhani
1 min readSep 17, 2019


The world’s most popular CMS ( Content Management System) is not unshakable. Threat models continue to evolve over time and nothing is safe over the internet and that means that Wordpress too is vulnerable to cyber threats and malware attacks. For some problems there is no fix but there are many that can be avoided by taking simple measures such as updating the password on a timely basis, removing unwanted themes or plugins, scheduling backups etc. Keeping Wordpress updated with other practises is critical for seamless functioning of the site otherwise one risks losing all the data to hackers who in turn can misuse them for their petty gains. Wordpress demands continuous attention from the user and this blog is written to highlight some simple steps that a site owner can use to strengthen his or her account. Check out the blog for more information and secure your websites and blogs for improved engagements.

