Top 10 Cheapest Countries to Travel from India

Chandra Mahal
8 min readJan 16, 2024

In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the interest of Indian travelers seeking cost-effective travel options. The desire to explore the world without burning a hole in one’s pocket has become a significant trend. As travel enthusiasts increasingly prioritize affordability without compromising on experiences, the search for budget countries to visit has become more prevalent.

Identifying and exploring affordable destinations is of paramount importance for Indian travelers. With a diverse range of preferences and travel goals, Indians are keen on discovering places that offer cultural richness and scenic beauty but also fit within their budget constraints. This growing significance underscores the need to compile a list of the cheapest countries to travel from India, providing valuable insights for those seeking budget-friendly places to travel.

Top 10 Budget-Friendly Countries


Located in the heart of the Himalayas, Nepal is a mesmerizing destination known for its diverse landscapes, from the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the cultural richness of Kathmandu Valley. Renowned for its trekking trails and spiritual heritage, Nepal is a top choice among budget countries to visit.

Accommodation choices:

Nepal offers a range of affordable accommodation choices, catering to the needs of budget travelers. From cozy guesthouses in Kathmandu to teahouses along trekking routes, options abound for those seeking economical places to stay. This accessibility ensures that travelers can experience the warmth of Nepalese hospitality without overspending.

Local cuisine:

Nepalese cuisine is influenced by Tibetan and Indian flavors. Street markets and local eateries serve dishes like momos, dal bhat, and sel roti at affordable prices. Exploring the local food scene in Nepal becomes an integral part of a budget-friendly travel experience.


Transportation within Nepal is budget-friendly, with buses and micro-vans connecting major cities and towns. Domestic flights to popular tourist destinations are also reasonably priced. Additionally, trekking routes are accessible on foot, providing a cost-effective way to explore the natural beauty of Nepal.

2. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island nation with a rich history and breathtaking landscapes, is a hidden gem among the cheapest countries to travel from India. From ancient ruins in Anuradhapura to the pristine beaches in Mirissa, Sri Lanka offers diverse attractions.

Accommodation choices:

Sri Lanka provides a range of economical accommodation options. Budget travelers can find affordable guesthouses, homestays, and budget hotels across the country. These options allow travelers to experience the warmth of Sri Lankan hospitality without exceeding their budget.

Local culinary experiences:

Street food and local eateries serve traditional dishes like Kottu Roti and Hoppers at affordable prices. This culinary affordability makes Sri Lanka an ideal destination for those seeking budget-friendly places to travel.

Transportation alternatives:

Sri Lanka offers budget-friendly transportation options, including buses and trains that connect major cities and scenic locations. Tuk-tuks and local taxis provide affordable means of commuting within cities and towns, ensuring that transportation costs remain within budget constraints.

3. Bhutan

Bhutan, known for its stunning landscapes and unique cultural identity, is a captivating destination for budget-conscious travelers. Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan offers a tranquil and spiritual retreat.

Accommodation options:

Despite its reputation for being a high-value destination, Bhutan provides budget-friendly lodging options. Guesthouses and budget hotels with basic amenities cater to travelers looking to explore Bhutan without a hefty price tag.

Local food experiences:

Bhutanese cuisine, with its distinct flavors, can be enjoyed without straining the budget. Local eateries and street food stalls offer affordable options like Ema Datshi and momos, allowing travelers to savor the unique tastes of Bhutan.


Bhutan’s transportation system, although limited, includes buses and shared taxis that offer cost-effective ways to travel between cities and towns. Exploring the serene landscapes of Bhutan is made accessible for budget travelers through these affordable transportation options.

4. Turkey

Turkey, where East meets West, is a transcontinental country known for its rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture. From the historic sites of Istanbul to the stunning beaches of Antalya, Turkey offers a dynamic experience for budget-conscious travelers.

Lodging options:

Turkey provides a range of economical lodging options, including budget hotels, hostels, and guesthouses. Whether exploring the ancient ruins of Ephesus or relaxing along the Turkish Riviera, travelers can find affordable accommodation that suits their budget, contributing to Turkey’s appeal as one of the cheapest countries to travel from India.

Local culinary experiences:

Turkish street food and local eateries offer an array of delicious yet inexpensive dishes. From kebabs to mezze platters, travelers can indulge in the rich flavors of Turkish cuisine without breaking the bank. The affordability of local food enhances the overall budget-friendly experience in Turkey.


Turkey’s well-developed transportation network includes buses, trains, and affordable domestic flights. Travelers can efficiently explore the diverse regions of Turkey without incurring significant transportation costs. Additionally, local trams and ferries in cities like Istanbul provide cost-effective ways to navigate urban landscapes.

5. Thailand

Thailand, renowned for its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, stands out as one of the premier budget countries to visit. From bustling cities like Bangkok to serene islands like Phuket, Thailand offers a diverse range of experiences.

Accommodation options:

Accommodation in Thailand caters to all budgets. Budget travelers can find a plethora of affordable options, including hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels. The availability of budget-friendly lodging ensures that travelers can explore the country without straining their wallets.

Local cuisine:

Thai street food is pocket-friendly. From Pad Thai to Tom Yum, local markets and street vendors provide a plethora of budget-friendly culinary delights. Travelers can indulge in the rich and diverse Thai cuisine without breaking the bank.


Thailand boasts an efficient and cost-effective transportation system. Public buses, trains, and tuk-tuks offer affordable options for getting around. Additionally, domestic flights within Thailand are often reasonably priced, making it easy for budget-conscious travelers to explore different regions.

6. Vietnam

Vietnam, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich history, is a compelling destination for budget-friendly travel. From the vibrant streets of Hanoi to the serene beauty of Ha Long Bay, Vietnam offers a diverse range of experiences.

Accommodation choices:

Vietnam boasts a variety of budget-friendly accommodation choices, including hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels. Whether exploring the bustling cities or relaxing in the countryside, travelers can find affordable places to stay that complement their budget.

Local food experiences:

Vietnamese street food is renowned for its flavors and affordability. Pho, banh mi, and fresh spring rolls are readily available at local markets and street stalls, making it easy for travelers to savor authentic Vietnamese cuisine without overspending.


Vietnam’s transportation options, including buses and trains, are budget-friendly. The extensive network allows travelers to explore the entire country without straining their wallets. Additionally, renting scooters provides a cost-effective means of discovering off-the-beaten-path destinations.

7. Laos

Laos, a landlocked gem in Southeast Asia, is renowned for its untouched natural beauty and serene landscapes. From the ancient city of Luang Prabang to the capital city Vientiane, Laos offers a tranquil escape for travelers seeking budget countries to visit.

Lodging options:

Laos provides a range of affordable lodging options, including guesthouses, hostels, and budget hotels. Accommodation prices in Laos are generally modest, allowing budget-conscious travelers to experience the country’s charm without exceeding their financial limits.

Local cuisine:

Laotian cuisine, influenced by neighboring countries, offers a variety of flavors at affordable prices. Street markets and local eateries serve dishes like laap and khao piak sen, providing budget travelers with the opportunity to explore the local food scene without breaking the bank.


Laos offers cost-effective transportation options, primarily through buses and shared minivans. While the road infrastructure may vary, the affordability of these transportation modes enables travelers to explore the picturesque landscapes and cultural attractions across Laos without a significant financial burden.

8. Philippines

The Philippines, an archipelago of stunning islands in Southeast Asia, is known for its pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse cultural heritage. From the beaches of Boracay to the historic sites of Manila, the Philippines is a budget-friendly paradise for Indian travelers.

Accommodation choices:

The Philippines provides a variety of economical accommodation choices, including beachfront cottages, budget hotels, and guesthouses. Travelers can find affordable options that cater to different preferences, ensuring a comfortable stay without straining their budgets.

Local culinary experiences:

Filipino street food and local eateries offer a delightful array of flavors at reasonable prices. From the popular adobo to the sweet halo-halo, exploring the local food markets becomes an integral part of the budget-friendly experience in the Philippines.


While the Philippines is an archipelago, budget-friendly transportation options are available. Ferries, buses, and domestic flights provide affordable means of island-hopping and exploring various regions of the country. Tricycles and local jeepneys offer cost-effective transportation within cities and towns.

9. Malaysia

Malaysia, a diverse and multicultural country in Southeast Asia, boasts a blend of modernity and tradition. From Kuala Lumpur’s skyscrapers to Penang’s historic streets, Malaysia offers a dynamic experience for budget-conscious travelers.

Lodging options:

Malaysia provides budget-friendly lodging options, including affordable hotels, hostels, and guesthouses. Whether exploring the urban landscapes or the lush rainforests, travelers can find accommodation that aligns with their budgetary constraints.

Local food experiences:

Malaysian cuisine, influenced by Malay, Chinese, and Indian flavors, is both diverse and budget-friendly. Hawker centers and street markets offer dishes like nasi lemak and char kway teow at affordable prices, allowing travelers to savor the richness of Malaysian food without overspending.


Malaysia’s transportation infrastructure includes affordable options such as buses, trains, and budget airlines. Efficient and well-connected, these modes of transportation enable travelers to explore the country economically. Additionally, local transportation within cities, including monorails and buses, is budget-friendly.

10. Singapore

Singapore, a bustling city-state in Southeast Asia, is known for its modern skyline, diverse cultural heritage, and efficient infrastructure. While often perceived as a financial hub, Singapore offers budget-conscious travelers unique experiences.

Accommodation choices:

Despite its reputation as a developed city-state, Singapore provides budget-friendly accommodation choices. Hostels, budget hotels, and guesthouses cater to travelers seeking affordable places to stay without compromising on comfort.

Local cuisine:

Singapore’s hawker centers and food courts offer a wide array of budget-friendly local cuisine. From the iconic Hainanese chicken rice to laksa, travelers can indulge in the diverse flavors of Singaporean cuisine without exceeding their budgetary limits.


Singapore’s efficient public transportation system, including buses and the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), provides a cost-effective means of exploring the city-state. Additionally, walking is a practical option given the compact size of Singapore, allowing travelers to save on transportation costs while experiencing the vibrant cityscape.

Embarking on a journey to budget countries to visit has become an increasingly popular choice for Indian travelers seeking both adventure and financial prudence. The exploration of the cheapest countries to travel from India has opened up a world of possibilities for those who are keen on discovering the beauty of diverse cultures and landscapes without breaking the bank.

These countries, each with its unique charm, offer more than just affordable accommodation, budget-friendly local cuisine, and cost-effective transportation. They provide travelers with an opportunity to immerse themselves in rich cultural experiences, explore historical wonders, and indulge in the warmth of local hospitality — all within the constraints of a reasonable budget.

The significance of identifying these budget-friendly destinations lies not only in the financial savings but also in fostering a sense of inclusivity, enabling a broader spectrum of travelers to fulfill their wanderlust dreams. The list encompasses destinations that cater to diverse preferences, whether it’s the serene landscapes of Bhutan, the vibrant street life of Vietnam, or the stunning beaches of the Philippines.

