Performance of KNN values based on K values

Poorna Chandu Sriramoji
3 min readMar 1, 2024



K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a simple and popular algorithm in machine learning used for things like predicting categories or values. We’re going to take a closer look at how it performs, particularly when we change something called ‘k’ values.

Understanding KNN:

KNN works by finding the closest data points to a new one and predicting its category or value based on those nearby points. It’s like asking your neighbors for advice — you go with what most of them say.

Mathematical Formulation:

In KNN, we measure the distance between points using a method like finding the straight-line distance between them. Then, we decide the category or value of a point based on what its closest neighbors say.

Effect of Parameters on Performance:

k’ Values:

The choice of ‘k’ plays a pivotal role in the performance of the KNN model. A small ‘k’ value leads to a more flexible model, prone to capturing noise and exhibiting high variance, which may result in overfitting. Conversely, a large ‘k’ value leads to a smoother decision boundary, potentially oversimplifying the model and resulting in underfitting. Thus, selecting an appropriate ‘k’ value is paramount for achieving optimal performance.

Underfitting and Overfitting:

The phenomenon of underfitting occurs when the model is too simplistic to capture the underlying patterns in the data, leading to poor performance on both training and test datasets. This often happens with large ‘k’ values, where the model oversimplifies the decision boundary. On the other hand, overfitting occurs when the model is overly complex, capturing noise in the training data and failing to generalize well to unseen data. This is more likely to occur with small ‘k’ values, where the model memorizes the training data.

Train Error and Test Error:

As ‘k’ varies, the train and test errors exhibit distinct behaviors. With a small ‘k’, the train error tends to decrease, as the model fits the training data more closely. However, the test error initially decreases and then increases, indicating overfitting. Conversely, with a large ‘k’, both train and test errors tend to increase, suggesting underfitting due to oversimplification.


Understanding how ‘k’ values affect KNN’s performance helps us make better choices when using this algorithm. By tinkering with ‘k’ and watching how it affects underfitting, overfitting, and errors, we can make KNN work better for us.

In simple terms, KNN is like asking your neighbors for advice — sometimes you need to ask more neighbors, sometimes fewer, depending on the situation. This flexibility is what makes KNN so powerful in solving real-world problems.

