Your Brand Needs a Book to Create Multiple Streams of Income

Chanel E Martin
5 min readFeb 10, 2020


Seven reasons to write an expert book for your brand: a seven-part blog series

I wrote my first expert brand book because I wanted to buy a couch. Yes, you read that right, a couch. It was 2016, and I wanted a new couch for our home. I pleaded with my husband about the purchase, and he said to me, “you buy it!” At this point, I was very much pregnant and recovering from grieving the loss of my dad and from parting ways with the family business. In other words, I wasn’t working, so I had no reoccurring income.

As a startup cofounder and one who had raised close to 500K for my business using a variety of methods, I decided to give in to showing others how to do it as well. I mean, many people asked me how I was able to start two businesses without using my household income to fund my dream. Or how I had accomplished two successful 5 figure crowdfunding campaigns. And how we’d won over 100K in pitch competitions. And how I’d gotten my friends and family to invest 35K into my business. I decided I would teach a webinar with the goal of only making 1K, that was the magic number to buy my dream couch!

Webinar advertisement

At six months pregnant in the hot summer of 2016, I set out to host my first expert webinar. I shared my DIY Canva graphic with everyone, and people began to register. Before you knew it, I had met my goal… I was getting my couch! I didn’t consider myself a coach or consultant, just a beauty tech entrepreneur that knew how to do one thing really well, to impress upon people to give me money! Little did I know that would lend itself to be the start of my part-time speaking and consulting journey, the establishment of my media and publishing company Beyond The Book Media, and my 7-day writing challenge: Your Brand Needs A Book.

After the webinar, I looked at my notes and realized, “This can be an ebook”! I took my self-edited (I don’t recommend self-editing) copy and turned it into an ebook and began selling it online. I was now a proven expert in fundraising. I also took each section of my ebook and created a multitude of online classes and seminars, helping others raise money as well. Coaching clients were added to my roster, and speaking engagements were a new norm. All because I put my knowledge in a simple to read and follow ebook.

Hopefully, my testimony at a minimum inspired you to begin thinking about your expert book. You, my dear, are an expert at something, especially if you are a business owner or brand. There is something that you do very well that others would love for you to teach them, and it will create additional streams of revenue for you and your brand. (Join my writing challenge to help you complete your book in as little as seven days — Let’s explore a few below:

  • Website Book Sales
  • Online Residual Income
  • Event Merchandise
  • In-person Workshops
  • Online Webinars
  • Online Courses
  • Companion journals and workshops

I’ve personally used each of the list mentioned above to create recurring and passive revenue streams for now almost 4 years. I wrote and published the book once, and it is the gift that keeps on giving. I’ll share a few strategies and examples for each to help you connect the dots for your business.

Website Book Sales: I sold my book online as an ebook for years with 100% Profit. I will finally be publishing the hard copy of my fundraising ebook this year for additional revenue for in-person speaking events. I also use the ebook as a tripwire for my webinars, training, and courses to help offset ad spend.

Online Residual Income: You can publish your book on Amazon KDP and receive a royalty check every few months. I have a book titled 31 Prayers for Spiritual Wealth that provides hassle-free income every 60–90 days from Amazon KDP.

Event Merchandise: I take my books whenever I am invited to speak. I’ve made decent money speaking at places that didn’t have the budget to pay me but would allow a vendor table to sell my books. My books always sell, and I always make money whenever I bring them with me.

In-Person Workshops: I have used chapters in my book to teach in-person workshops to other small business owners and have made pretty good money doing it!

Online Webinars and Classes: I have taught countless online webinars teaching various sections from my book. I can teach a whole class on each section/chapter of my books! I even built a customized learning platform to teach an entire 20 lesson course from my books!

Teaching a pitching class at Delta Airlines in Atlanta

Companion journals and workbooks: Currently, my fundraising ebook alone has helped to birth a total of 3 different workbooks that have been sold and used to help teach my in-person and online classes.

I pray that I have at least gotten you excited to begin writing your book for your brand! Like I mentioned earlier, I am hosting a 7-day writing challenge in which I teach you how to complete your manuscript in 7 days! Guess what it’s 100% free. Oh, and I use a planner I created to help guide you through the process. Who said writing a book has to take months or even years. Join nearly 2000 authors and aspiring authors just like you! You can register and learn more by visiting



Chanel E Martin

I am a kingdom entrepreneur, brand exposure strategist, and fundraising expert — seen in Forbes, Black Enterprise, The Real,