11 Tips for a FaceTime/Skype Interview

Chanel Marie
4 min readApr 24, 2018

Prepare with Chanel Marie

Prepping for a Facetime/Skype interview

11 tips to increase your chances of moving forward

Hey guys it’s me, Chanel Marie and I have a few tips to share! Recently, I had my first interview via FaceTime and I was freaking nervous but I nailed it. At the end of the interview I was asked to come in for one in front of a panel, so this justifies me feeling slightly qualified to share my two cents. So in hopes of calming your nerves a bit, I’ve decided to compile a list of things I believe worked in my favor, enjoy.

  1. Interview area. The day prior, you should decide where you’ll be conducting this interview so you’re not running around frantically minutes before they call. Try your best to be in front of a plain wall, all distractions are a no-go. In my case, I decided to do it in the club room of my building. If you’re staying within the comfort of your apartment that’s less stress considering you have more control of your environment.
  2. Lighting. MAJOR KEY ALERT! Wherever you decide to hold this interview, do me a favor, BE PICKY! Be as picky with the lighting and the way you look on camera as you would for a selfie you’re posting to Instagram. I had trouble choosing the perfect spot because of a glare on my forehead which would have been distracting for the person interviewing me. Don’t brush minor things like a glare off, take everything into consideration.
  3. Dress to impress. Don’t let being in the comfort of your own home make you complacent, dress up! I’ll admit, I considered being a business woman on the top and a couch potato on the bottom. The thing that stopped me was this irrational fear that I’d be asked to stand up and they’d judge my work ethic on my lack of fully committing to my look. I know, sounds ridiculous right? Either way I was in a full on suit.
  4. Headphones. I’m not sure how others feel about this, it could be considered a distraction but I beg to differ. To me, I feel like they tone down some of the outside noise that can (and will) occur. Also, with headphones you can hear the person clearly. This minimizes your chances of being annoying by continuously asking them to repeat themselves. I don’t care who bought you new BEATS for the holidays, now is NOT the time to wear them. Stick with the simple headphones that came with your device. Say it with me, nooo distractions.
  5. Testing, testing. Make sure your wifi is as strong as my Private Investigator skills (FYI, they’re pretty strong)! The worst thing that can happen (besides you being annoying and saying “Could you repeat that?” three thousand times) is they can’t see or hear you and vice versa. The day prior, go to your designated interview spot and conduct a few test calls ensuring you both see and hear each other clearly.
  6. Plan Z. Don’t settle for ONE back up plan, make sure you have several. As I stated earlier I was set to do my interview in the club room, guess what? Roughly seven people came in 12 minutes before my interview TO MOVE A TABLE! Like, are you serious? This room is usually very quiet but of course this would happen when I’m trying to conduct business. So please take this into consideration for your getting AND wifi.
  7. Leveled. No matter if you’re using a desktop, laptop, cellphone, etc. make sure it’s leveled. Adjust it to where you’ll be eye to eye with them and it’s not an uncomfortable call. I.e. don’t have them at an angle where they’re seeing more of your cleavage than your face. If you’re using a cell phone, having a tripod would help a lot. I didn’t have one so I was extra cautious of the movements I made with my right hand. You don’t want to start moving the phone around and creating a what? Distraction, you got it!
  8. Their turn. In most interviews you’re given a chance to ask them questions. Take this opportunity to do just that. Don’t bombard them with questions, but have a couple prepared. You should definitely ask what THEIR favorite part of working for the company is. Based on their answer, it will give you a little insight moving forward. Also research the company’s history, when were they founded? Who’s the CEO? What is their mission statement?
  9. CHA CHING. Go in knowing how much you want hourly/yearly. Always say a little more than you actually want, this will leave room for negotiation. Don’t get ridiculous, research what the company usually pays someone in your field with your level of expertise.
  10. Silent. Whatever device you’re using make sure it’s on silent and OFF VIBRATE.
  11. Shine. Although this is a professional interview don’t let that stop you from showing your personality. I remained my bubbly self and it worked in my favor. Don’t go overboard, it’s still an interview, show just enough so they get a feel for who you really are.

*BONUS TIP “Don’t sound monotonous. If you sound like a piano smashing the same key over and over you’re probably boring the person to death. Add variation, emphasis and inflection to your speech to be more entertaining and enthralling. You wouldn’t like a song that had no melody so don’t allow your voice to be that way.”

-Jarrel Watkins

Now that your toolbox is filled with the essentials, go forward and be great. If you don’t get a callback, just pretend you didn’t read this, lol!

XOXO, Chanel Marie

