What Elon Musk Taught Me About Innovation

Jorge Ch.
2 min readMar 20, 2024


A lesson from the most influential person in 21st-century business.

Let’s be clear. Elon Musk has been a very controversial figure. Hated by many and loved by others, especially for the opinions he expresses. However, something that cannot be questioned is his love for risk.

He bets on original and innovative projects. And he risks a large part of his fortune on them.

It’s a business model that is dizzying.

Before Elon, we knew what electric cars were, but they were talked about as a bet for the future.

Today, they are not something distant, but part of everyday life.

The project of the American aerospace industry was dead. Investing in this field was risky.

Fortunately, the entrepreneur’s companies have risen as leaders in both sectors with a very high valuation. But, let’s stop to think about what has led him to the top.

For years, marketing has been an important link in a company’s sales. However, Elon has defied its own laws through pure innovation.

SpaceX has modernized its rockets in such a way that they have made them reusable. Before entering the game, no one had achieved such a technical exploit. To accomplish such a feat, they manufacture many of their parts.

Tesla has made inventions to extend the autonomy and performance of its cars. One of them has been the presence of advanced software. In addition to eliminating dealers from the equation.

The possibilities of failing were high for Elon Musk. Only his incredible work capacity, resilience, and innovation have achieved such a feat.

Yes, he has had moments of lack of lucidity. His movements on Twitter have not been uncontroversial, being highly questioned. Although it is normal when taking such risks.

There are aspects that I do not like. There is no consensus about him, but we must be fair. We cannot underestimate what he has meant for the automotive and space travel industries.

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Jorge Ch.

Software developer who likes to write about personal development, programming and technology in general.