What Most Students Experience During Quarantine


By Chanise Alaine H. Wang

Since the start of the pandemic, all students have been mandatorily quarantined inside their houses. Without being able to enjoy summer break outside like before, they try to relieve their boredom by trying new indoor activities. With this, they can either improve the hobby that they already have or discover a new one that they recently enjoy doing.
School is unavoidable for students no matter what happens, meaning that learners in every grade, and every country, are forced to adjust to the new normal education. One of the problems that almost everyone encounters is the distraction of using any gadgets to learn. Some students use social media such as Facebook and Instagram, some watch videos online using YouTube or Netflix, and others do other things unrelated to academics, but all things considered, it leads to them not being able to focus in school.
As the classroom is located at home, some are having a hard time distinguishing between when to study and when to rest. Having no time management will eventually lead to burnout if the rest needed is not enough to balance the energy used. This may be common nowadays for most students but we should keep in mind that this shouldn't be normalized and it must be avoided as much as possible.

