Published inReaders Hope116,200 of writers made at least $0.01Life sometimes fluctuates but mostly on an upward trend. It’s like an investment in the stock market.Jan 1354Jan 1354
How many nudes have you seen in your life?After all, we live in a world where nudity is everywhere, especially online. It felt like a funny, almost impossible question at first.Jan 1119Jan 1119
Published inReaders Hope9 Months Into Filmmaking: Here’s What HappenedIt’s never too late to get anything started in your life. So, here’s to the journey. One frame at a time.Jan 425Jan 425
Published inI Am Time: Productivity Second ChancesI Quit & become a Full-Time Freelancer (in 10 months)This is my journey oftaking risks, pursuing dreams, and finding freedom. I learned the power of self-belief & control over your life.Dec 13, 202432Dec 13, 202432
Published inILLUMINATION100 Comments about HappinessThree articles about happiness, over 100 comments by Medium writers around the world, here are the key highlights.Jun 5, 202440Jun 5, 202440
Published inExpress ImpactIf happiness is a choice, why do people not choose it?Happiness is simple to understand, yet it’s hard to master it.May 8, 202460May 8, 202460
Published inReaders HopeHere’s how “Focus-Out” brings me closer to my visionI never knew the shift in this mindset would change the whole game of how I live my dream every day.Apr 25, 202425Apr 25, 202425
I asked them “Are You Happy”, this is what they said“Getting busy is not happiness!” After all these insightful conversation, I had a different view about this. Happiness isn’t a destination,Apr 5, 202438Apr 5, 202438
A Different Relationship of Money vs Happiness (Business Mindset)What's the purpose of earning money?Apr 4, 202411Apr 4, 202411
I Slept In My Office Toilet Just To HustleSome key takeaway for people who hustling like me to quit 9–5 day job.Apr 3, 202420Apr 3, 202420