5G — Fifth Generation of Mobile Networks

5G — An Introduction about the evolution of networks

Chan Naseeb


5 G empowered world: 5G will change our lives and everything around us.

In this post of the series, I will discuss fundamental concepts about 5G (5th generation of mobile networks), how mobile technology works, and how has this technology evolved from one generation to another, over the years. How much speed enhancements will be achieved by 5G. In the next part of this series (part 2), I will discuss the impact of 5G on our lives and other fields.


We are hearing a lot about 5G these days, but the question is what is it and how it will change our life? 5G is not something that will replace 4G completely at once, and will continue to exist, rather it is an organic phenomenon that will evolve and change over time. This should also clarify the perspective that why there are already some efforts going on for 6G. We need to recognise the fact that there are more promising developments to come, ahead of this.

All smartphone companies are doing their level best to launch 5G enabled devices and connections. These devices will operate in different frequency bands such as from 3 to 300 GHz. Let’s put those promising opportunities aside for now and start with actually introducing 5G and how the mobile technology has evolved from 1G to where it stands today.



Chan Naseeb

Data Science & AI (ML, DL etc), IoT, Blockchain. AI evangelist, helping organizations to become AI & Data driven. https://www.linkedin.com/in/channaseeb/