Design Consideration Checklist

Chantal Jandard
2 min readFeb 4, 2015

I have become a bit of a checklist aficionado: I use checklists for my day-to-day tasks, for my monthly plans, for ideas, for projects, for travel… There’s something zen-like about taking the important, do-not-forget items and storing them outside my head.

This is the list I use as I’m iterating on an idea, to ensure most bases are covered. It is not exhaustive and is in no particular order. Some items might be a bit project-specific, but hopefully the list as a whole will be a helpful companion to others as it has been to me.


  • Who are the persona(s) targeted? What are their contexts: before, during and after?
  • What pre-existing mental models will users bring?
  • How the design will handle exceptionally big numbers? Long names?
  • Accessibility? Colour contrast ratio? Colour blindness consideration?
  • Company-created design patterns? Cultural design patterns?
  • Is this behaviour and look consistent with the rest of the system?
  • How might a user might land on each screen? Are there multiple paths?
  • Will localization affect the design? What languages might the copy be translated into? Will components need to be flipped to accommodate different languages?
  • Are the icons, colours and imagery culturally-appropriate?
  • Considerations for importing or exporting data? User inputted data?
  • Have you considered the full UI stack?
  • Privacy or security concerns?
  • Should “opt-in” be considered for this change?
  • If it’s a redesign, is there feature-parody? If not, what’s missing, why, who will this affect and how?


  • Are key functions located in thumb-accessible spots?
  • Are tap-targets large enough?
  • Are the assets an appropriate size to load over a mobile network?
  • How will the design respond to various device sizes?
  • What happens in landscape mode?

What else should be on this list?



Chantal Jandard

Product designer at PlanGrid. The pixel is mightier than the sword.