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The Secret To Work / Life Balance

Chantelle Fitzgerald
4 min readJun 8, 2018

The other day, I was a mentor for an amazing organization called POWER the Power of Professional Women. It’s an incredible networking group for women in which other women are genuinely there to help and support other women and (men who want to support women too). You might want to consider signing up and joining the team! :-)

Anyway, the event was a speed mentoring event in which emerging leaders were paired with seasoned leader and they hosted the discussion of various different topics. The topics were anything from leadership to being in — transition to networking to work life balance. The attendees / mentees could choose a table / topic that they wanted to hear more about. The mentees could ask questions to the mentors on the topic and engage in meaningful conversations.

I was chosen along with my co-mentor to lead a discussion on work / life balance.

Here are the secrets to work / life balance (in my humble opinion).

The secret to work/life balance, is self-awareness. Often times we are running on autopilot. We are jumping from meeting to meeting, email to email, event to event, family obligations to family obligation to doctors appointments to you-name-it. We are busy bee’s running around doing who knows what and burning ourselves out.



Chantelle Fitzgerald

Mindfulness Coach, Emotional Intelligence Trainer, Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher, Speaker, Writer, Meditator