The Science Behind Why Colouring Can Help Reduce Anxiety and Improve Mental Health

Steph Stockhill
3 min readJul 17, 2023


In recent years, adult colouring books have gained popularity as a means of relaxation and stress relief. While it might seem counterintuitive that an activity typically associated with childhood could have such a positive impact on mental health, there’s a growing body of scientific evidence to support the idea that colouring can indeed help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind this phenomenon and why colouring has become a recognised tool for mental health improvement.

The Psychology Of Colouring

Colouring taps into several psychological processes that contribute to its effectiveness in reducing anxiety and enhancing mental health:

. Mindfulness and focus: Colouring demands focused attention on the present moment. It requires you to concentrate on selecting colours, staying within lines, and creating harmonious patterns. This level of concentration promotes mindfulness, a state of being fully engaged in the here and now, which is known to reduce stress and anxiety.

. Stress reduction: Engaging in creative activities like colouring triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This release of dopamine can reduce stress and improve mood.

. Flow state: Colouring often leads to a flow state, where you become completely immersed in the activity, losing track of time and worries. Achieving a flow state is linked to enhanced well-being and a sense of accomplishment.

. Self-expression: Colouring allows for self-expression without judgment. It provides a creative outlet where individuals can explore their thoughts and emotions through colours and patterns, which can be particularly therapeutic for those who struggle to express themselves verbally.

The Science Behind The Benefits

Research supports the notion that coloring can have positive effects on mental health:

. Stress reduction: A study published in the journal Art Therapy found that colouring mandalas (intricate geometric patterns) significantly reduced anxiety levels in participants. The repetitive and symmetrical nature of mandalas can induce a sense of calm.

. Improved mood: Another study in the Creativity Research Journal discovered that colouring can enhance mood and decrease negative emotions. Participants reported feeling more relaxed, happy, and creative after colouring.

. Enhanced concentration: Colouring can improve focus and attention span. This was demonstrated in a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, which found that colouring activities led to increased attention and less mind wandering.

. Mindfulness and anxiety reduction: Mindfulness-based colouring interventions have been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety. A study in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association found that mindfulness-based colouring led to significant decreases in anxiety and stress.

Practical Applications

Incorporating coloring into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to promote mental well-being:

. Regular practice: Dedicate time each day or week to colouring. This consistency can help you experience the cumulative benefits of reduced anxiety and improved mood.

. Colouring groups: Consider joining or organising colouring groups, where you can enjoy this activity in a social setting, fostering a sense of connection and community.

. Mindful colouring: Approach colouring mindfully by focusing on each stroke and colour choice. Engage all your senses in the process, savoring the experience.

. Customised colouring: Choose colouring books or pages that resonate with your interests and emotions. Colouring images that reflect your feelings can be especially therapeutic.


In conclusion, the science behind coloring as a tool for reducing anxiety and improving mental health is rooted in its ability to promote mindfulness, reduce stress, enhance mood, and boost concentration. By embracing coloring as a form of self-expression and relaxation, individuals can harness its benefits as a valuable addition to their mental health toolkit. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced artist, the simple act of coloring can be a colorful pathway to a calmer and more resilient mind.

Additional support

Over on our Etsy store we have a whole section dedicated to colouring packs.

Follow the below link to our store and use coupon COLOUR10 for an exclusive 10% off on any of our colouring packs just for our Medium readers.



Steph Stockhill

Blogger and printables creator at Chaos Boss UK. Find us at our Etsy store: and on Facebook: