[LetsDefend Write-up] Shellshock Attack

Jun 10, 2024


Created: 12/01/2024 12:13 Last Updated: 16/01/2024 14:15

Shellshock Attack

You must to find details of shellshock attacks

Log file: https://files-ld.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/shellshock.zip Pass: 321

Note: pcap file found public resources.

Start Investigation

Let’s open this pcap file in Wireshark

At first sight, There were some SSH,TCP,HTTP and ICMP packets in this pcap file

I followed HTTP/TCP stream to find out about some basic server information

And jackpot! We also found all the answers including payload that trying to exploit shellshock vulnerability.

What is the server operating system?


What is the application server and version running on the target system?


What is the exact command that the attacker wants to run on the target server?

/bin/ping -c1


This pcap file captured a moment where system tried to use shellshock vulnerability to exploit an Apache server hosted on Ubuntu system (

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Aspiring SOC analyst, Threat Hunter - Post CTF / Labs Write-up (active lab will be unlisted)