FAQ#7 Let’s talk Brand | Character Creates Brand Design

Character Creates
3 min readApr 2, 2020


Chatting to you is what we do! You have a better understanding of your business than we do so getting to know your business is crucial. We then consider a number of factors when designing your brand — from your market, customers and competitors to colours, fonts and layout these are the things that most matter when coming up with a concept for a brand idea.

How am I able to help with the creation of my brand?

Some people either turn up to us with hundreds of ideas or none. You don’t have to turn up to us with final designs or a mood board of what you like, you can simply come in for a chat and let us do our job of finding out how your brand identity needs to look to best represent your business in the best possible way.

How do you help me visualise the brand in use?

When we have finished creating some designs for your brand identity we ask you back for a chat about the designs we have created. We will present you with a booklet of all of the designs and how they could be used on materials your business uses, allowing for a better visualisation of how the design could be used in your business.

What can the brand be used on?

Anything! Your brand can be used on leaflets and business cards to the side of vans and exhibition materials, we are able to offer many services that you need your brand to be visible on.

Do I have to have an idea of what I would like the brand to look like?

No. By meeting up and talking about your business we can gain a good idea of what your identity could look like and come up with some designs. When we meet again to review the designs you may gain a better idea of what you want from your identity or instantly love a design we’ve created. You don’t have to come to us with ideas, we’ll do all the creative thinking for you.

Do you consider my competition when creating my brand identity?

We like to research into what is out there in the market and how other people are interpreting the idea. This gives us a better idea on how we can make your identity stand out and be better than the rest. This is a very useful method when coming up with your brand as it gives us a starting point of what we can do with some of yours and our ideas that we have when creating your identity.

What collateral is able to be branded?

Here at Character Creates we can help you with branding your website, social media, leaflets, business cards, brochures, stationary and much more. Anything you need branding in either print or web we can help! And if we don’t handle it directly, we’ll certainly point you in the direction of someone who can.

Does having a brand identity make it easier to market my company effectively?

Yes! It’s the thing that customers first recognise and remember about your company. Having a brand that can be used across all of your marketing materials allows for consistency, professionalism and gets your business name across to the customer more effectively.

Talk to our Studio team about your next Website / Logo or Print Design project on 0151 473 1069.

Originally published at https://www.charactercreates.co.uk on April 2, 2020.



Character Creates

We provide our Clients with Creative Print Design, Website Design + Digital Marketing Services.