Million Dollar Gold Dust Challenge: Prize Offered If Churches Submit ‘Gold Dust & Angel Feathers’ to Validation

Charisma Broadcast
7 min readMay 29, 2018


One Million Dollar Miracle Challenge Backed Up By Benefactors

Inspired by filmmaker Richard Rossi’s upcoming controversial film, Canaan Land: A Much Greater Love, there’s a $1,000,000 prize waiting for you.

What do you have to do? Two things. First, submit gold dust and feathers from one of the churches claiming heavenly gold dust and angel feathers are allegedly appearing in their services.

Secondly, prove it is of heavenly and not earthly origin, and the million dollars is yours.

In other words, submit your gold flakes and feathers to scientific testing, and if it proves:

  1. It came from one of the charismatic churches that claim gold dust from Heaven’s streets and feathers from angels fall in their services, such as Bethel Church in Redding, and
  2. If scientific testing proves it is of a superior make-up beyond earth, not of anything from our planet, you are a millionaire.
Bethel Church claims the gold glitter pictured falling during one of their services is a miracle.

“Bethel Church has become a mecca for the charismatic movement. They had gold dust and bird feathers they claimed was the glory of God and angel feathers. My movie will show the difference between fake faith that hurts people versus healthy faith that heals people,” Richard Rossi, a minister turned moviemaker said.

“You get a lot of claims about people having gold from God’s presence and angel feathers come on them, but if you ask them if they saved any of it they hem and haw and say no,” Rossi said, adding that most baulked at the challenge of confirming their claim.

Martin Kelly is one of the scientists awaiting the submission of gold and feathers from the growing number of charismatic churches making the claims.

“We want to evaluate for the prize if the gold is truly of a higher heavenly standard and the feathers are of celestial origin, then it wouldn’t test out to be gold glitter from craft stores or bird feathers as previous samples from churches did,” Kelly said.

“It actually has to be proven in the way that any other scientific claim would be proved,” Kelly said. The prize is backed by several benefactors dedicated to rooting out fraudulent supernatural claims that mislead the public.

A recently posted Youtube video from Rossi’s Canaan Land film in which Rossi, portraying a fictional character named Brother Billy, prompted a confession from one church leader. The video can be seen here:

The video sparked seismic repercussions in some church circles. The scene parodies the trend in Pentecostal churches claiming gold dust and angel feathers are a “tangible sign of God’s Shekinah presence.” The video is credited with convicting a pastor at a well known charismatic church to admit the gold dust and angel feathers are a hoax.

The pastor, concerned over legal repercussions, has hidden his face and voice for now, but will allegedly reveal his identity before the release of the Canaan Land film later this year.

“I’ve been on staff as an Executive Pastor at a well known charismatic church,” the pastor said. “I wanted to confess what I did in faking the gold dust and angel feather stunts. I told the truth to Richard and I’m telling the truth now publicly for the first time. I’m concealing my identity in media like the witness protection program. After consulting with my attorneys about how to go public with my identity, I will break my anonymity.

Feathers retrieved from some churches claiming they were angelic have thus far tested as bird feathers

“We at the church fooled many with these special effects, and we charged gullible students thousands of dollars to go to our school where we claim to teach them how to do miracles. Those who are honest can see the fakery. The lead pastor wears glasses and has many unhealed health issues. A high percentage of the students have physical and mental sickness. There isn’t the strong healing anointing we claimed. My testimony and the Canaan Land film is something they are worried about because we’re exposing the truth. They’re planning to call my testimony hate speech. They will probably call me a demon and say I’m blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

It was simple, we put the gold glitter and feathers in the HVAC system and used fans to swirl it around the church. We planted some glitter in Bibles. Once we did it a few times, histrionic and imaginative types at the church started thinking they were seeing it everywhere.”

Gold glitter from a church claiming it was ‘God’s glory’ tested to be glitter from a craft store near church

“The senior pastor knows we used fakery. He claims the gold and feathers were tested and verified but that’s a lie and he has no evidence of any such tests he can present publicly. He thinks the ends justifies the means. He has an avuncular personality and says its a sign and they believe him.”

“Brother Billy” (Richard Rossi) calls down gold dust and angel feathers in the new film Canaan Land.

The Canaan Land film stars Rebecca Holden, best known for starring in the TV show Knight Rider, in the lead role of Sister Sara Sunday, a sincere Christian evangelist.

Acting and singing star Rebecca Holden portrays “Sister Sara Sunday”

Rossi plays a con man preacher who falls for Sister Sara and realizes his con game isn’t a game anymore. Sara urges him to repent and put his faith in God and the Bible instead of flimflam and fake miracles.

The film’s director, Richard Rossi, is also a pastor of Eternal Grace Church in North Hollywood. Rossi says he has seen legitimate miracles through the humble ministry of ordinary people praying for the sick.

“Our film shows the need for discernment,” Rossi said. “We must know the difference between the fake miracles of gold dust and feathers that make a mockery of God, versus the authentic miracles based on the scriptures that can be tested and verified by doctors and scientific scrutiny.”

“Sister Sara is motivated to serve God and people,” Rebecca Holden, the star playing the lead role of Sara said. “Billy is more self-motivated. The script makes the point that we must keep our eyes on God and have discernment in choosing spiritual leaders. Leaders are human and disappoint us. Only God can provide perfect, unconditional, unfailing love.”

The controversial video of Brother Billy’s Gold Dust and Angel Feathers preacher act can be viewed here:


Naturally for this amount of money there are a few rules and conditions which apply. If you wish to try for the Gold Dust challenge, briefly, this is what you have to do. You first apply in writing, telling the following, very clearly and concisely;

1. Where and when did you claim to see and touch gold dust and angel feathers not of this world? Also list details as to the church, date of service, list of eyewitnesses, and pastor’s name.

2. How much of a sample do you have of the gold dust and feathers that you will submit for testing?

Then and only then can we begin to design a test, one that is in accord with your claims. The test will be run by a panel made up of scientists, critical thinkers, and religious leaders not associated with the church making the claims. If you are successful in validating the gold dust and angel feathers appeared in a miraculous visitation, and it proves to be something not of this earth (such as earthly bird feathers and gold glitter), you will be awarded $1,000,000. The results of this test, whether successful or not, will be published internationally. The news media may also be invited to witness any tests.


Eternal Grace Church Inc is a non-profit organization producing the Canaan Land project, so any costs involved for testing have to be borne by the applicant.

  • If the challenger is found to be lying or cheating, or in any way misrepresenting the facts, source, and nature of the gold and feathers, the test is terminated.
  • Following a successful test, the prize will be paid to the challenger and/or any person, ministry, or organization you may nominate.
  • The prize may be distributed in any way the successful challenger sees fit: to a trust, a charity or some other person. There is no need for the challenger to come in to contact with the money at all if he or she so chooses.
  • The money is offered in the genuine hope that we are able to advance the investigation into claims of the supernatural. The Gold Dust challenge does not seek to embarrass or ridicule anyone.
  • Send requested information to: and put in the subject line of the email: GOLD DUST CHALLENGE

