2 min readJun 14, 2020


What’s it all about let’s see.

Shannon Ashley Ryan Fan Religion NewsService Daystar Media TBN Media Z Di

Grace is the work of Christ to obtain the redemption of mankind. The sins of those who exercise their faith in that grace are washed away. Grace empowers us to walk away from the emotional and psychological influences of sin.

*Romans 5:1-12*
We have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. To have access is to be admitted into.

We are save by grace through faith - Ephesians 2:8.

Now that I am born by the Spirit of God, I am in grace. Grace is the sum of the work of Christ to secure the redemption of mankind. This work is given to everyone. An offer is made on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We don't have to work to earn His grace. God made a free offer, but it cost someone something. Jesus Christ became the substitute for our redemption. The moment you receive it by faith, you are admitted into the offer and your life is now defined by grace.

This Grace road is a long one and it takes a life time. It has so many dimensions…

Tommorrow I will post on what grace has achieved or gotten for us. Stay tuned stay blessed!!

#Grace #redemption #salvation #christianity #basicrealitiesinchrist




Lover of God and the world he wants me to reach out to. Spiritual Physiotherapist (SPT)