Cornelia street was never a sad song until i met you

3 min readJun 29, 2024


I’d never walk cornelia street again

Cornelia Street used to be just a melody filled with hope and dreams, a soundtrack to the endless possibilities of love, It spoke of never wanting to lose that special person, of cherishing every moment shared.

It was also a song of nostalgia, bringing back memories of walking hand-in-hand, laughing at inside jokes, and whispering promises under the streetlights. We would spend hours talking about our future, dreaming about all the things we would do together, right there on Cornelia Street.

But now, that music takes me back to those times every time I hear it, almost like a time machine. I remember the warmth of your smile, the sound of your laughter, and the feeling of being utterly content in your presence. Those memories have turned bittersweet, poisoned by the realization that those days are gone. The street that once had so much promise now appears deserted and sad.

I told you once that if we ever separated, I’d never walk down Cornelia Street again. Yet here I am, unable to stay away, retracing our steps and reliving the memories. Every corner and every cobblestone is a reminder of what we had and what we lost. The song that used to be a light of our love is now a haunting reminder of a chapter that ended too soon.

“I hope I never lose you,” I whispered, but in the middle of hoping to never lose you, I didn’t realize I was already lost to you. “Hope it never ends,” I wished, but before we even started, it had already ended. “I’ll never walk Cornelia Street again,” I vowed, yet here I am, still walking Cornelia Street, reminiscing about every laugh, every argument, every moment we cherished. The street holds our memories like a secret keeper, with every corner echoing with the sound of your voice, every step weighed down by the phantom touch of your hand. Each passing day blurs the line between past and present, making it harder to distinguish between what was and what could have been. The familiar sights now seem like ghosts, haunting me with the shadow of our shared dreams and the poignant realization that I’m walking alone.

Everything changed when I lost you. Now, every time I hear that song, it is tinged with sadness and longing, each note a reminder of what we had and what is gone.

This song was never sad, but when I met you, every note seemed to carry the weight of our unspoken words. The melody that once brought joy now echoes with the haunting reminders of what we lost. It’s as if the chords themselves were rewritten by our memories, transforming a once cheerful tune into a bittersweet symphony of love and regret. Each refrain is a reminder of the moments we shared, now tinged with the melancholy of your absence.

Cornelia Street was never a sad song until I met you, and now it will never be the same.

A birthday post , love u guys!!!

