The Art and Science of Leadership

The Art and Science of Leadership

Charlene Burke
1 min readAug 23, 2016

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. She is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things. — Ronald Reagan

A few notes about Leadership for those who are building a team to have a successful direct sales team or online business, with a link to a video that goes deeper.

  1. Leaders create culture and culture creates results: Although good cultures have strict social rules for a reason, culture isn’t just there to create rules. It’s there to prevent destruction in the future. And that reason isn’t always apparent to those who are coming into the culture.
  2. Feedback not Failure: Remember, there is no failure. There is only feedback from the action that you’re taking that can help you adjust to get the results that you really want.
  3. Step into the future now: treat your business like a billion dollar empire. The truth is it can be.

Being a leader (a REAL leader) is far more than anyone really comprehends

Originally published at Search by Burke.



Charlene Burke

Knowledge Lover, Owner of Search by Burke | Information Professional | Perpetually Curious Writer of Content for Business, Marketing, Personal Development