100% Human content-ChatGPT

Unleash the Power of ChatGPT for Truly Human-Like Content That Engages and Converts!

Charles Ross
7 min readMar 30, 2023

Table of Contents

· Table of Contents
· Understanding ChatGPT
· Google’s Position on AI Generated content
· The Value of 100% Human-Written Content
· Genuine Voice and Perspective
· Contextual Awareness and Flexibility
· Creativity and Originality
· The Benefits of 100% Human-Written Content
· Better Engagement and Interaction
· Improved SEO and Ranking
· Increased Brand Awareness and Credibility
· Evaluating ChatGPT’s Performance
· Plagiarism Detection
· Human Evaluation
· Limitations
· How to Produce Better Human-like Content with ChatGPT
· Use AIPRM Chrome Extension
· Install the AIPRM for ChatGPT Browser Extension
· 1. Try the “Human Written |100% Unique |SEO Optimized Article” AIPRM Prompt
· 2. Use the Premium Features
· Use “Act as” Command
· Use ChatGPT to Plan an Outline
· Provide Clear Prompts

Image by Author using Lexica Art

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model developed by OpenAI.

It is designed to generate human-like text by predicting the next word or phrase in a given sentence.

With ChatGPT, users can generate unique, human-written, and SEO-friendly articles in just a few minutes.

However, the question remains: can ChatGPT produce 100% human-like content?

In this article, we will explore the capabilities of ChatGPT and examine how it performs in comparison to human-written content.

Ps: This piece of content was written mostly by Jasper AI, arguably the most advanced AI copywriting assistant today!

Understanding ChatGPT

Before we dive into the question of whether ChatGPT can produce 100% human-like content, let’s first understand how it works.

ChatGPT is a language model that has been trained on vast amounts of text data using unsupervised learning techniques.

This means that the model has learned to predict the next word or phrase in a given sentence based on the context of the preceding text.

ChatGPT is capable of generating text in a wide range of styles and tones, from formal and technical to informal and conversational.

Google’s Position on AI Generated content

Google has released statements regarding its approach to AI-generated content in search results, clarifying its stance on the matter.

According to Google, it rewards high-quality content regardless of whether it is generated by humans or AI.

However, the search engine giant cautions against using AI to create content with the primary purpose of manipulating rankings in search results.

This can be considered a violation of their guidelines, and such content may be penalized by the search engine.

While AI-generated content is not prohibited by Google, the company emphasizes the importance of producing high-quality content that is useful and relevant to users.

The Value of 100% Human-Written Content

Genuine Voice and Perspective

One of the significant benefits of human-written content is that it comes from a genuine voice and perspective.

A human writer can connect with the reader on an emotional level, convey their thoughts and experiences, and create an engaging and authentic narrative.

On the other hand, AI-generated content may lack personality and depth, resulting in dull and uninteresting copy.

Contextual Awareness and Flexibility

Another advantage of human-written content is its contextual awareness and flexibility.

A human writer can interpret complex topics, adapt to different audiences, and incorporate personal experiences and anecdotes to create an engaging and relevant story.

In contrast, AI-generated content may lack context and the ability to tailor its message to the specific needs of the reader.

Creativity and Originality

Human-written content is also known for its creativity and originality.

A human writer can come up with new ideas, explore different angles, and inject personality and flair into their work.

Conversely, AI-generated content may rely on templates and formulaic structures, resulting in repetitive and uninspiring content.

The Benefits of 100% Human-Written Content

Better Engagement and Interaction

One of the significant benefits of human-written content is that it can foster better engagement and interaction with the reader.

Human writers can create compelling stories that resonate with the reader, evoke emotions, and encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.

As a result, human-written content can spark conversations, build relationships, and increase user engagement.

Improved SEO and Ranking

Another advantage of human-written content is its impact on SEO and ranking.

Search engines value high-quality content that provides value to the reader, and human-written content can fulfill that requirement.

A human writer can incorporate relevant keywords, create compelling headlines and meta descriptions, and structure their content for easy readability and navigation.

These factors can increase the relevance and authority of the content, resulting in better search engine rankings.

Increased Brand Awareness and Credibility

Human-written content can also contribute to increased brand awareness and credibility.

A human writer can create a unique brand voice, establish thought leadership, and build trust with the reader.

In contrast, AI-generated content may lack personality and authenticity, resulting in a generic and impersonal brand image.

Evaluating ChatGPT’s Performance

Now let’s address the question at hand: can ChatGPT produce 100% human-like content? The answer is not a simple yes or no.

ChatGPT is a highly sophisticated language model that is capable of generating text that is nearly indistinguishable from human-written content.

However, there are still some limitations to its performance.

Plagiarism Detection

One way to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT is to compare its output to human-written content using plagiarism detection tools.

Digital Trends conducted an experiment in which they ran a ChatGPT-generated article through various plagiarism detectors.

The article scored a 99% human rating on the Writer AI Content Detector app and was marked just 36% fake by GPT-based detectors.

These results suggest that ChatGPT is capable of producing content that is very similar to human-written content.

Human Evaluation

Another way to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT is through human evaluation.

In a study conducted by OpenAI, human evaluators were asked to rate the quality of ChatGPT-generated text on a scale from 1 to 5.

The text was rated an average of 3.8, which is very close to the average rating of human-written text, which was 4.08.

These results suggest that ChatGPT is capable of producing content that is very close in quality to human-written content.


While ChatGPT is a highly sophisticated language model, there are still some limitations to its performance.

One limitation is that ChatGPT may sometimes produce nonsensical or irrelevant text if the input it receives is unclear or ambiguous.

Additionally, ChatGPT may sometimes produce text that is grammatically correct but semantically incorrect, which can make it difficult to understand or interpret.

How to Produce Better Human-like Content with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that uses its GPT language learning model and sophisticated algorithms to generate human-like responses to queries.

If you want to produce better human-like content with ChatGPT, you can follow some tips that will enhance the quality of the generated text.

Use AIPRM Chrome Extension

AIPRM is a Chrome extension that adds a list of curated prompt templates to ChatGPT, making it easier for you to generate human-like text. Here’s how you can use the AIPRM Chrome extension with ChatGPT:

Install the AIPRM for ChatGPT Browser Extension

You can install the AIPRM Chrome extension for ChatGPT by visiting their website or the Chrome web store.

The extension is free to use and provides a list of curated prompt templates for SEO, marketing, copywriting, and more.

The prompts are curated by prompt engineers who publish their best prompts, so you can be sure you’re getting high-quality content

1. Try the “Human Written |100% Unique |SEO Optimized Article” AIPRM Prompt

The AIPRM extension offers 1-click prompts that you can use with ChatGPT to generate human-like, S.E.O optimized content for your blog quickly.

The prompts are curated by prompt engineers who publish their best prompts, so you can be sure you’re getting high-quality content.

2. Use the Premium Features

AIPRM also offers many premium features, such as the ability to create custom prompts and access to more prompt templates.

If you need more advanced features, you can upgrade to the premium version of AIPRM.

Use “Act as” Command

First, to use the “Act as” command, you can type “Act as [insert job]” and then add the parameters you want the AI to use.

For example, if you want the AI to act as a content writer, you would type “Act as a content writer” and then add the parameters, such as tone, complexity level, and language model.

Use ChatGPT to Plan an Outline

Second, you can use ChatGPT to plan and outline your content by using stored information, including topic ideas and SEO keywords.

This can help you generate content quickly and save time while ensuring that the content is well-structured and relevant to your target audience.

Provide Clear Prompts

Lastly, to ensure that the generated content is high-quality and relevant to your needs, you should provide clear instructions to ChatGPT.

This includes specifying the tone, complexity level, and language model you want the AI to use, as well as any relevant context or background information.



Charles Ross

Top Writer • Award-winning Marketing Expert • Content Creator • Entrepreneur. Social media enthusiast who loves to share tips and trends on social media