ChatGPT just took a huge leap forward — welcome GPT-4!

The future is now: ChatGPT’s GPT-4 brings AI to new heights

Charles Ross
5 min readMar 16, 2023

ChatGPT just took a huge leap forward with the introduction of GPT-4, the newest addition to their already impressive lineup of language models.

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As generative AI continues to advance, it’s likely that some jobs will become automated and new ones will be created.

However, it’s important for individuals to avoid panicking and instead take a proactive approach to adapt to these changes.

One important step is to develop skills that are in high demand in the AI-driven economy, such as data analysis, programming, and AI training.

Additionally, workers should focus on developing skills that are difficult for AI to replicate, such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

This will help them remain competitive and resilient in the face of technological disruption.

Another important consideration is to be aware of the potential impacts of AI on different industries and regions and to advocate for policies and regulations that can help mitigate negative effects and support a smooth transition to a more AI-driven economy.

Ultimately, while generative AI may bring some challenges, it also has the potential to create new opportunities and improve overall economic productivity and efficiency.

The best strategy for us is to get busy and learn generative AI. Here are several links to do so:


What is ChatGPT?

For those of you who may not know, GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” which is essentially a fancy way of saying that it’s a type of artificial neural network that is capable of producing human-like responses to text-based prompts.

The technology behind GPT-4 is truly groundbreaking, and its potential applications are practically limitless. It’s set to dwarf the already incredible ChatGPT-3.

Ps: Dave Rogenmoser Jasper AI C.E.O has announced GPT-4 upgrade from the current GPT-3.5.

In a recent tweet, he stated:

It performs great for some things, and not so great for others. We have been testing it for weeks and will be rolling it out inside Jasper in all the places it performs well. Stay tuned!

So, what makes GPT-4 so special?

1. It’s huge

For starters, it boasts a whopping 1 trillion parameters (not 100 trillion as popularly assumed but still pretty impressive), making it one of the largest language models ever created.

To put this into perspective, its predecessor, ChatGPT 3, had “only” 175 billion parameters.

This massive increase in parameters allows ChatGPT 4 to understand and generate even more complex language than ever before. It also guarantees more accuracy and speed.

On the downside, it will need more computer capacity requirements.

With this increased capacity, ChatGPT 4 is able to process and analyze more data, allowing it to generate more accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

This is a major leap forward in the field of natural language processing, and it’s exciting to see what kinds of applications and innovations will come as a result of this powerful technology.

ChatGPT will require you to upgrade to “ChatGPT plus, to do this head to your dashboard and click on ‘Upgrade to plus’ this will guarantee you all ChatGPT features, availability even when there is high demand, faster response time, and access to all new features.

2. Multimodality

Multimodality has been a topic of rumors and excitement in the tech community and for good reason.

Multimodality refers to the ability of an AI model to operate in multiple modes, including generating and processing text, images, sounds, and more.

Currently, most AI models are restricted to a single mode of operation. For instance, ChatGPT-3, is limited to dealing only with text.

But with multimodality, we could see a shift in this paradigm as AI models with this capability can work across multiple modes, including text, images, speech, and beyond.

This is a game-changer because it opens up a world of possibilities for AI applications.

Imagine an AI model that can generate a text response, analyze an image, and respond to speech commands, all at once.

The potential for this technology is endless, and it could revolutionize all industries.

So, what can we expect from ChatGPT’s GPT-4?

Well, for starters, we can expect to see a significant improvement in the quality and naturalness of language generation.

This means that GPT-4 will be able to produce responses that are more coherent, nuanced, and nuanced than ever before.

But it’s not just language generation that GPT-4 excels at.

This next-level AI system is set to revolutionize the creative process like never before.

Not only can it generate output, but it can also collaborate with users on all sorts of creative and technical tasks.

We’re talking about composing songs, writing movie scripts, and even learning a user’s specific writing style.

Eventually, AI is set to evolve to unimaginable heights.

Imagine a chatbot that can diagnose medical conditions with incredible accuracy or an AI assistant that can generate personalized investment advice based on your financial history.

Soon this could very well be our reality, who knows we may get a cure for cancer or generate an anti-aging tech.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.

As with any technology, there are potential ethical concerns that need to be addressed.

For example, there’s the risk of bias in language generation, which could perpetuate harmful stereotypes and prejudices.

Additionally, there’s the possibility that GPT-4 could be used to create highly convincing deep fakes or other forms of disinformation.

But despite these potential risks, there’s no denying that the introduction of GPT-4 represents a major leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence.

With its advanced capabilities and vast potential, it has the power to transform the way we interact with technology and each other.

So, what’s next for ChatGPT and GPT-4?

Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure — the future of AI has never looked brighter.

Get ready to witness the next generation of artificial intelligence, powered by the incredible technology of ChatGPT’s GPT-4.



Charles Ross

Top Writer • Award-winning Marketing Expert • Content Creator • Entrepreneur. Social media enthusiast who loves to share tips and trends on social media